
Type: Privately Held, Public, etc.
Industry: Registry, Legal, Internet, etc.
Founded: place, year
Founder(s): name of founder(s) here
Ownership: current ownership, year purchased
Headquarters: address
Country: Pakistan
Businesses: list business owned/subsidiaries
Products: list
Employees: number (year)
Revenue: $X (year)
Email: azeemsajjad@gmail.com
Website: example.com
Blog: http://www.ict4pakistan.blogspot.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ICT4Pakistan-421852164877428/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azeemsajjad/
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ICT4Pakistan is a platform with the vision to support innovation and ICT-based public policies in Pakistan, to facilitate the Government of Pakistan particularly the Ministry of IT & Telecom and its attached department in the creation of a knowledge-based information society.


Evolution of Internet Governance Ecosystem in Pakistan [1]

Role of Security and Privacy in the Internet World [2]