Yaling Tan

Country: China
Email: tanyaling [at] cnnic.cn
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Yaling Tan

Yaling Tan is the Senior Policy Advisor at CNNIC. He has been working at CNNIC since 2008, where he has been involved in the PVP process regarding ccTLDs, as well as IDN prospects in China.[1] He is also a member of the APTLD Board[2] and is a stakeholder in ICANN. Previously, he has been involved in the IDN ccPDP 1 WG and the Geographical Names Starting Group.[3]

Earlier in his career, he was a Journalsit and TV producer at Xinhua News Agency.[4]

He attended ICANN Nairobi[5] ICANN Seoul[6] and ICANN Singapore.[7]


He holds a Masters degree from Peking University of China.[8]

