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It is all about .LES ® (dot-less)
Summary of the .LES ® network
We love advertising and promote it!

.LES ® (dot-less) is specifically designed online network to benefit all consumers and marketers. Our target market is anyone that wants to have the highest quality online browsing and shopping experience. Further we are also introducing our patent pending revenue sharing program and our consumer friendly Advertising Standards. Consumers will actually share in the advertising revenue generated from the advertising they click on that is displayed on any .LES ® website. We also cater to anyone that wants to reduce their advertising and marketing costs over the internet. The .LES ® network wants to earn your advertising business! We are going to cut advertising prices and sell "Super Affordable Advertising Spots" across the .LES ® network, giving marketers a lot more bang for their buck.

Pay.LES™ is our "Brand Name" patent pending revenue sharing program, where consumers can sign up for an account that will tally and keep track of all the advertising they click over the .LES ® network. Each ad that consumers click will translate into real cash that they can spend when they use their Pay.LES™ account to buy goods and services online. Pay.LES™ is also designed to prevent and cut down on click fraud, guaranteeing marketers only high quality clicks. Remember that you saw all of these NEW features and benefits here first!

Our “Circle of Services” is beneficial in countless ways to all. Consumers will share in the advertising revenue from the ads they click. Websites will sell more advertising spots. Advertising costs will be less expensive for marketers when they advertise over the .LES ® network. All of these "Patent Pending" features and benefits combined, will create the most user friendly online marketplace for everyone to visit, shop and buy from. Hence the "Brand Name .LES ®"

Consumers, website developers and advertisers will soon flock to this new network to take advantage of all we have to offer, ultimately making any .LES ® website the first destination users choose to visit online. The bottom line here is that the .LES ® network is a WIN - WIN for everyone!

Right now we are taking applications from individuals who would like to be on the nonprofit board of directors for We are also looking for the right financial partner or co-founder to assist us in implementing the business opportunities associated with our “Brand Name” products and services. If you live in the US and are interested in being on the board of directors or would like to have an equitable piece of this new innovative network, that has the capability of generating billions of dollars in advertising revenue and gain market share over the dominant industry players, please contact us to find out how you can get involved, we look forward to speaking with you.

.LES ® +™ + Pay.LES™ =
The most user friendly online network to visit, shop and click advertising from!

It is all about .LES ®!


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