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This is all very new and in a primitive state but the nature of the universe and the formula for evolution itself reveal to us a set of foundational principles that are logically provable. I will now discuss these principles and propose that they become the foundation for ICANN policy as well as for any proposed Internet Governance. We can then build an infrastructure based on these principles that will act as an operating system for humanity itself.
This is all very new and in a primitive state but the nature of the universe and the formula for evolution itself reveal to us a set of foundational principles that are logically provable. I will now discuss these principles and propose that they become the foundation for ICANN policy as well as for any proposed Internet Governance. We can then build an infrastructure based on these principles that will act as an operating system for humanity itself.
=== The two paths - Positive Evolution or Extinction ===
=== The two Paths - Positive Evolution or Extinction ===
At any moment all life in the universe can go on two paths. We are either evolving forward or we are heading for extinction. That is the mechanism as to how evolution works. Some people ask, "Why are the dinosaurs extinct?" The correct answer is, "Because they failed to develop a space program." If they had a space program they would have been able to push that asteroid out of the way and it wouldn't have hit the Earth. And every time a ig asteroid whizzes by the universe is asking us, "How's that space program coming?"
Some people might argue that maybe the Earth would be better off without humans and that maybe humanity should go extinct. But if that happens then we are out of the game, excommunicated from reality altogether. We cease to exist. So if we accept the axiom that to exist is better than to not exist then extinction would be considered the wrong path.
Static existence is also the wrong path. We can't just keep things the way they are and just sit here maintaining. We know in 4 billion years the Sun will expand and the Earth will be vaporized leaving only the 2 Voyager spacecrafts to act as a tombstone to let the universe know that we ever existed. In order to stay in the game we have to embrace positive evolution as a necessary step to continuing to exist. What is positive evolution? It is acting in the Global Public Good; something that ICANN has already figured out.
It's not a coincidence that ICANN came to this same conclusion because evolution is a property of the universe and after a billion years of evolutionary survival our minds are encoded with this evolutionary software to intuitively understand this principle. But we don't have to rely on this intuition anymore now that we understand where the intuition comes from. We can just accept as part of an objective logical infrastructure that extinction is bad and we need to do what it takes to avoid it.


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