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* '''Sunrise Period'''- Pritz informed the members of the committee that a Sunrise Period is mandated for all approved new gTLDs. The [[Trademark Clearinghouse]] will serve as a central repository of trademark rights information to be authenticated, stored and disseminated. All trademark holders will have the chance to record all their nationally and multi-nationally registered word marks from all jurisdictions. All the authenticated trademark rights data in the Trademark Clearinghouse will be used to protect those related domains during the pre-launch of the Sunrise Period and the Trademark claims services.
* '''Sunrise Period'''- Pritz informed the members of the committee that a Sunrise Period is mandated for all approved new gTLDs. The [[Trademark Clearinghouse]] will serve as a central repository of trademark rights information to be authenticated, stored and disseminated. All trademark holders will have the chance to record all their nationally and multi-nationally registered word marks from all jurisdictions. All the authenticated trademark rights data in the Trademark Clearinghouse will be used to protect those related domains during the pre-launch of the Sunrise Period and the Trademark claims services.
* '''DNS Security ([[DNSSEC]])'''- Pritz confirmed that all new gTLD applicants are required to implement DNSSEC. He also informed them that 82% of existing TLD registries have already deployed DNSSEC to ensure the security and stability of the DNS.
* '''DNS Security ([[DNSSEC]])'''- Pritz confirmed that all new gTLD applicants are required to implement DNSSEC. He also informed them that 82% of existing TLD registries have already deployed DNSSEC to ensure the security and stability of the DNS.
* '''Crackdown on Rogue Websites'''- The new gTLD program is designed to prevent illegal activities and to easily remove malicious conduct through increased accessibility of information by law enforcement agencies. A [[Whois|thick Whois]] data system will be implemented to allow faster search capabilities and to efficiently combat rogue websites. ICANN will also implement background checks on applicants and will review their history of bad faith or reckless disregard of  anti-cybersquatting law.
* '''Crackdown on Rogue Websites'''- The new gTLD program is designed to prevent illegal activities and to easily remove malicious conduct through increased accessibility of information by law enforcement agencies. A [[Whois#Thick_Whois|Thick Whois]] data system will be implemented to allow faster search capabilities and to efficiently combat rogue websites. ICANN will also implement background checks on applicants and will review their history of bad faith or reckless disregard of  anti-cybersquatting law.
* '''Estimated Number of New gTLDs to be Created'''- Pritz explained that based on the Root Server Stability experts advise, ICANN is committed and limited to add 1,000 new gTLD to the root zone in one year.
* '''Estimated Number of New gTLDs to be Created'''- Pritz explained that based on the Root Server Stability experts advise, ICANN is committed and limited to add 1,000 new gTLD to the root zone in one year.
* '''Plans on Excess Revenue from new gTLDs'''- ICANN is committed to using any excess funds to promote its non-profit missions for the benefit of the Internet community, such as the creation of a registry continuity fund for the protection of registrants, or establishment of a security fund to expand the use of secure protocols, support standards development organizations and other projects in accordance with the internet governing body's security and stability mission. Prits also emphasized that ICANN's budget is utilized in a transparent manner. The use of excess funds are subject to community discussions and consultations.
* '''Plans on Excess Revenue from new gTLDs'''- ICANN is committed to using any excess funds to promote its non-profit missions for the benefit of the Internet community, such as the creation of a registry continuity fund for the protection of registrants, or establishment of a security fund to expand the use of secure protocols, support standards development organizations and other projects in accordance with the internet governing body's security and stability mission. Prits also emphasized that ICANN's budget is utilized in a transparent manner. The use of excess funds are subject to community discussions and consultations.
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* '''Possibility of subsidizing the costs of Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) using surplus funds'''
* '''Possibility of subsidizing the costs of Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) using surplus funds'''
ICANN clarified that no commitment has been made regarding the use of surplus funds and that the issue is a matter of continued community consultations. ICANN will consider the proposal to subsidize costs of disputes under the UDRP.
ICANN clarified that no commitment has been made regarding the use of surplus funds and that the issue is a matter of continued community consultations. ICANN will consider the proposal to subsidize costs of disputes under the UDRP.
* '''Thick [[Whois]] System'''
* '''[[Whois#Thick_Whois| Thick Whois]] System'''
ICANN is dedicated to improving the access and accuracy of the [[Whois]] information; Thick Whois information requirements will be in place for all new gTLDs. Five studies regarding Whois services focusing on issues related to misuse, registrant identification, privacy and proxy services were conducted.
ICANN is dedicated to improving the access and accuracy of the [[Whois]] information; Thick Whois information requirements will be in place for all new gTLDs. Five studies regarding Whois services focusing on issues related to misuse, registrant identification, privacy and proxy services were conducted.
* '''New gTLD Application Fee'''
* '''New gTLD Application Fee'''
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* ''' 优先期'''- 普里茨告诉委员会成员说,所有被批准的新通用顶级域都将强制性地进行优先期。[[Trademark Clearinghouse|商标信息交换库]]将作为一家针对需要认证、存贮和散播的商标权信息的中央知识库 。所有的商标持有人将有机会记录其全国和多国各个司法管辖区注册的字标。商标信息交换库中所有经过认证的商标权数据将被用于优先期和商标请求服务期间保护相关域名。
* ''' 优先期'''- 普里茨告诉委员会成员说,所有被批准的新通用顶级域都将强制性地进行优先期。[[Trademark Clearinghouse|商标信息交换库]]将作为一家针对需要认证、存贮和散播的商标权信息的中央知识库 。所有的商标持有人将有机会记录其全国和多国各个司法管辖区注册的字标。商标信息交换库中所有经过认证的商标权数据将被用于优先期和商标请求服务期间保护相关域名。
* '''域名系统安全([[DNSSEC|域名系统安全扩展DNSSEC]])'''-Pritz证实所有的新通用顶级域申请人都需要执行域名安全系统扩展。他还告知委员会成员,现有82%的顶级域注册局已经部署了域名系统安全扩展,以确保域名系统的安全和稳定。
* '''域名系统安全([[DNSSEC|域名系统安全扩展DNSSEC]])'''-Pritz证实所有的新通用顶级域申请人都需要执行域名安全系统扩展。他还告知委员会成员,现有82%的顶级域注册局已经部署了域名系统安全扩展,以确保域名系统的安全和稳定。
* '''打击恶意网站'''- 新通用顶级域项目旨在通过提高执法机构对信息的访问程度来预防非法活动并轻松消除恶意行为。 [[Whois|Thick Whois]]数据系统的实施将加快搜索速度并有效对抗恶意网站。ICANN还将对申请人进行背景调查并审核其忽视反域名抢注法律的不诚信或恶意历史。
* '''打击恶意网站'''- 新通用顶级域项目旨在通过提高执法机构对信息的访问程度来预防非法活动并轻松消除恶意行为。 [[Whois#Thick_Whois|Thick Whois]]数据系统的实施将加快搜索速度并有效对抗恶意网站。ICANN还将对申请人进行背景调查并审核其忽视反域名抢注法律的不诚信或恶意历史。
* '''预估将创建的新通用顶级域的数量'''- Pritz解释道,根据根服务器稳定性专家的建议,ICANN承诺每年最多向根区域添加1,000个新通用顶级域。
* '''预估将创建的新通用顶级域的数量'''- Pritz解释道,根据根服务器稳定性专家的建议,ICANN承诺每年最多向根区域添加1,000个新通用顶级域。
* '''新通用顶级域超额收益的规划'''- ICANN承诺任何超额收益将用于其非营利性的任务从而维护互联网社区的利益,比如创建注册局连续性资金从而保护注册人,或者创建安全资金,根据互联网管理机构的安全和稳定使命用以扩大安全协议的使用、支持标准开发组织和其他项目。Pritz还强调,ICANN的预算使用是透明的。超额资金的使用将由社区讨论和协商决定。
* '''新通用顶级域超额收益的规划'''- ICANN承诺任何超额收益将用于其非营利性的任务从而维护互联网社区的利益,比如创建注册局连续性资金从而保护注册人,或者创建安全资金,根据互联网管理机构的安全和稳定使命用以扩大安全协议的使用、支持标准开发组织和其他项目。Pritz还强调,ICANN的预算使用是透明的。超额资金的使用将由社区讨论和协商决定。
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* '''使用盈余资金补助统一域名争议解决政策(UDRP)的可能性'''
* '''使用盈余资金补助统一域名争议解决政策(UDRP)的可能性'''
* '''Thick [[Whois]] 系统'''
* '''[[Whois#Thick_Whois|Thick Whois]] 系统'''
ICANN致力于改进[[Whois]]信息的使用和精确度;Thick Whois信息要求将针对所有新通用顶级域实施。ICANN实施了有关Whois服务的五项研究,主要集中在滥用、注册人识别、隐私和代理服务方面。
ICANN致力于改进[[Whois]]信息的使用和精确度;Thick Whois信息要求将针对所有新通用顶级域实施。ICANN实施了有关Whois服务的五项研究,主要集中在滥用、注册人识别、隐私和代理服务方面。
* '''新通用顶级域申请费'''
* '''新通用顶级域申请费'''
Bureaucrats, Interface administrators, lookupuser, staff, Administrators, translator
