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* rules applicable to DNS system
* rules applicable to DNS system
During the Geneva meeting, EU IT Commissioner Viviane Reding warned that the internet will not succeed if governments will not be able to agree on a multilateral approach on internet governance. According to her, it is possible for countries like China, Russia, Brazil and other Arab nation to operate their own versions of internet. She said, ''"We have to have a platform where leaders of the world can express their thoughts about the internet, If they have the impression that the internet is dominated by one nation and it does not belong to all the nations then the result could be that the internet falls apart."'' The proposal of the EC was supported by some countries like China, Iran and Saudi however majority of countries were uncomfortable and rejected it.<ref>
During the Geneva meeting, EU IT Commissioner [[Viviane Reding]] warned that the internet will not succeed if governments will not be able to agree on a multilateral approach on internet governance. According to her, it is possible for countries like China, Russia, Brazil and other Arab nation to operate their own versions of internet. She said, ''"We have to have a platform where leaders of the world can express their thoughts about the internet, If they have the impression that the internet is dominated by one nation and it does not belong to all the nations then the result could be that the internet falls apart."'' The proposal of the EC was supported by some countries like China, Iran and Saudi however majority of countries were uncomfortable and rejected it.<ref>
[http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2005/oct/12/newmedia.media EU says internet could fall apart]</ref>
[http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2005/oct/12/newmedia.media EU says internet could fall apart]</ref>

Revision as of 08:20, 26 April 2012

WSIS (World Summit on the Information Society) was a two phase summit endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly under Resolution 56/183 to create a global multi-stakeholder platform to resolve the issues confronting information and communication technology. The first phase of the summit was held in 2003, and the second in 2005; more than 19,000 individuals from 174 countries participate in the event.[1]

Background[edit | edit source]

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) initiated the idea of conducting the World Summit on the Information Society in 1998 via Resolution 73. In 1999, the United Nations Secretary General expressed enormous support to the proposed summit and created the framework for the summit under Resolution 56/183. The resolution also defined the role of ITU in cooperation with other interested organizations and partners. By 2001, ITU led the preparations for holding the WSIS and decided to conduct it in two phases.The first phase of the summits was to be held in Geneva on December 10-12, 2003 and the second phase in Tunis on November 16-18, 2005.[2]

High-Level Summit Organizing Committee[edit | edit source]

The High-Level Summit Organizing Committee (HLSOC) was established with the support of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to coordinate the efforts of the United Nations in the preparation, organization and holding of WSIS. The ITU Secretary General served as Chairman of HLSOC, and it was further composed of a representative of the UN Secretary General and Executive Heads of other international organizations such as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO), International Labor Organization (ILO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), etc.[3]

Members of HLSOC[edit | edit source]

The members of the HLSOC include:[4]

WSIS Executive Secretariat (ITU)

Other members of the Executive Secretariat include:

  • Mr. Art Levin, Chief of the ITU Coordination, External Relations and Communication Units
  • Dr. Tim Kelly, Chief of ITU Strategy and Policy Unit
  • Mr. Fernando Lagraña, Executive Manager of ITU TELECOM

First Phase: Geneva 2003[edit | edit source]

The first phase of the WSIS was held in Geneva in 2003 and was attended by 11,000 people from 175 countries. The main objective of the event was to create and promote commitment and political will among the participants to take action in making the information society accessible for everyone, to allow all to achieve their full potential and promote development and enrich the world's quality of life. This objective was clearly stated in the Declaration of Principle adopted by the participants in the summit.[5] In addition, a Plan of Action was established outlining the specific goals and objectives of the overall Information Society to be achieved by 2015 through international cooperation.[6]

Ambassador David Gross, United States coordinator for Communication and Information Policy, emphasized the "three pillars" of the U.S. government's stand at the WSIS in Geneva, which include: commitment to the private sector and the rule of law must be emphasized in the summit for countries to attract the needed investments for infrastructure; intellectual property protection is needed to inspire ongoing content development and security of the internet; electronic communication, commerce, and privacy should be maintained and people should feel safe from cyber attacks.[7]

Disputes[edit | edit source]

One of the main issues that was strongly objected by the Bush Administration during the WSIS summit in Geneva was the proposal for the United Nations to control the top-level servers that direct traffic to the master data bases for all domain names, wherein the ITU, an organization under the UN, offered to take over the control from the United States. This idea was highly supported by the European Community (EC).[8]

Second Phase: Tunis 2005[edit | edit source]

The WSIS Summit in Tunis was attended by more than 19,000 participants from different governments, international organizations, non-government organizations, civil society, business entities and members of the media. During the second phase of the summit, participants repeated their commitment and support for the Geneva Declaration and Action Plan in 2003. The summit in Tunis was focused on the financial strategies to meet the challenges posed by Information Communication and Technology development. Participants in the summit identified areas of ICT development that need larger financial resources, such as: ICT capacity-building programs, communication access and communication access for ICT services and applications in remote rural areas and small island developing states, regional backbone infrastructure, regional networks, network access points, broadband capacity, and many other areas and issues that needed to be resolved. In addition, they also recognized the important roles of both private and public sectors in financing ICT infrastructures and they encouraged multilateral institutions to consider helping and providing additional financial support in regional and large scale ICT Infrastructure projects.[9]

Prior to the opening of WSIS Summit in Tunis, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan pointed out that the main objective is not to take over or control the Internet but to ensure that poor countries will have access and enjoy the full benefits of the internet and the latest developments in information ad communication technologies. The UN Secretary General also shared the findings from the report of the Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) wherein internet stakeholders proposed the creation of a "new space of dialogue" that will bring all stake holders to share information, best practices and problems. He also pointed out that no one proposed for the United Nations to take over the control of the Internet from the current technical organization, the ICANN, which manages the activities of the internet in an international and private capacity.[10]

ICANN and WSIS[edit | edit source]

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers participated in the WSIS wherein the internet governing body's stakeholder groups organized a WSIS Working Group in 2004 to increase the awareness and understanding of the internet community regarding the goals and objectives of the summit and the issues that will affect ICANN. The WSIS Working Group initiated:[11]

  • Disseminating information among stakeholders and the internet community as a whole regarding the recent developments and upcoming events related to WSIS and ICANN
  • Promoting dialogue and mutual understanding of positions among the different stakeholders on WSIS and the issues of interests connected to ICANN
  • Increasing the awareness of the diverse interests, priorities and activities related to WSIS
  • Enhancing stakeholder participation in WSIS as it relates to ICANN's activities

The ICANN WSIS Working Group also conducted different workshops related to the event in different cities in various countries such as Rome, Kuala Lumpur, Cape Town and Mar del Plata.

Dr. Paul Twomey, then President and CEO of ICANN, spoke at the plenary session of the WSIS on December 11, 2003 in Geneva. He stated ICANN's commitment to achieving the goals of the UN Secretary General for the Information Society and the objectives of the WSIS. In his speech, Twomey pointed out that ICANN doesn't stand in the way of governments, instead ICANN promotes equal participation from all sectors to discuss the issues surrounding the internet. He also emphasized that ICANN is working towards the expansion of discussing and learning the internet with its global, regional governmental, private sector, technical and civil society partners as well as increasing its global presence in a multilingual capacity.[12]

EC Proposal on Internet Governance[edit | edit source]

During the preparatory meeting in Geneva prior to the WSIS in Tunis, the European Union recommended the creation of a new "co-operation model" for internet governance. The proposal allows the involvement of international governments in developing and establishing public policies related to naming, numbering and addressing-related issues which include:[13]

  • global allocation system of IP number blocks
  • procedures for changing the root zone file particularly the introduction of new top level domains in the DNS and changes of ccTLD managers
  • development of contingency plans to ensure the continuity of crucial DNS functions
  • establishment of an arbitration and dispute resolution mechanism based on international law in case of disputes
  • rules applicable to DNS system

During the Geneva meeting, EU IT Commissioner Viviane Reding warned that the internet will not succeed if governments will not be able to agree on a multilateral approach on internet governance. According to her, it is possible for countries like China, Russia, Brazil and other Arab nation to operate their own versions of internet. She said, "We have to have a platform where leaders of the world can express their thoughts about the internet, If they have the impression that the internet is dominated by one nation and it does not belong to all the nations then the result could be that the internet falls apart." The proposal of the EC was supported by some countries like China, Iran and Saudi however majority of countries were uncomfortable and rejected it.[14]

Former Swedish Prime Minister Carld Bildt strongly criticized the recommendation of the EU. He said, "It would be profoundly dangerous to now set up an international mechanism, controlled by governments, to take over the running of the Internet. Not only would this play into the hands of regimes bent on limiting the freedom that the Internet can bring, it also risks stifling innovation and ultimately endangering the security of the system." According to him, the EC seem to have gone too far in its proposal to set up a mechanism that would limit the access to the internet. He pointed out that "Europeans should be as keen as anyone to preserve the essence of a system that has worked amazingly well."[15]

References[edit | edit source]