Revision as of 03:20, 25 January 2018 by Kiran Kumar (talk | contribs)
Type: SDO Non Profit
Industry: Internet Technologies
Founded: 2012
Headquarters: 6 square Mozart

75016 Paris

Country: France
Employees: < 100
Website: OP3FT.org
LinkedIn: OP3FT
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png@OP3FT
Key People
Amaury Grimbert, President
and Co-inventor of the Frogans Technology
Alexis Tamas, Member of the Board of Directors
and Co-inventor of the Frogans Technology

The OP3FT is a standards developing organization (SDO),founded in France in 2012, with a team of 30 people.The Organization for the Promotion, Protection and Progress of Frogans Technology (OP3FT) is a As a non-profit public-interest organization, whose purpose is to hold, promote, protect and progress the Frogans technology in the form of an open standard for the Internet, available to all users, free of charge. More generally, the OP3FT's purpose is to contribute to the development of a secure and stable Internet that is open to innovation, and to support and finance innovative public-interest initiatives or actions of a social, educational or cultural nature in the area of information and communications technologies.

The supporting and financing of these actions, programs or initiatives shall respect the principles of openness and transparency that enable as many people as possible to benefit from the progress made in the area of information and communications technologies.

The Founder is a French company which, since its creation in 1999, has led a project for the development of a new Internet technology, to be released in the form of an open standard, available to all, free of charge. This technology is called the Frogans technology.

For netizens, the Frogans technology is a new means for accessing content and using services in a simpler and more secure way.

A new format for creative content publishing on the Internet From a technical standpoint, the Frogans technology introduces:

● a new type of online content, called Frogans sites

● new sofware to navigate Frogans sites, called Frogans Player

● new Internet identifiers for Frogans sites, called Frogans addresses

The nature of the files conveying the content of Frogans sites is innocuous.




