Country: Brazil
Email: lacier [at]
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Lacier Dias

Lacier Dias works as Routing Teacher and Consultant to Access Providers, Enterprise Networks and Operators. He was also an ICANN Fellow at ICANN 53 - Buenos Aires. Aside from ICANN, Mr. Dias is involved in the IGF and LACNIC. [1]

     He working as a Lecturer at national and international workshops on team management for management and control Backbone (BGP, OSPF and MPLS), monitoring, prevention and response to incidents, expert support, infrastructure, expansion planning and network engineering.

     He has 10 years of experience working with training, consulting and projects to implement good networking practices for high availability, migration networks Layer 2 (Bridge) for routing, telecommunication costs optimization, redesign of the network topology, controls and filters for BGP and traffic engineering in private networks and ISPs.

     In recent years to add value to the network of clients come to me dedicating the design activities, design, production and product improvement, focusing on design complete telecommunications solutions to customers based on the organization's products or designing tailored solutions to from scratch for special projects.

     Today with 12 years of experience in national projects management, including inhospitable regions with few technical and logistical resources to meet critical customers such as banks, government, carriers, retailers, chain stores and service providers, which all have a difficult goal, but with proper planning feasible to maintain their high-level availability indicators. Is with accumulated experience, today I dedicate myself to share my knowledge through consulting, lectures and training I have been ministering.

Specialties: BGP, OSPF, MPLS, VRF, ASN, VRRP, LLB, PPPoE, IPv6, VoIP, high availability, Fibre Optic, Radio Links and Information Security.


Lacier is interested in education, IPv6, BGP, OSPF, MPLS, VRF, new gTLDs, Registries, Registrars and Telecommunications.


  1. ICANNWiki Intake, July 2015.