Tracy Hackshaw

Country: Trinidad & Tobago
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   [Tracy's LinkedIn Tracy Hackshaw]

Tracy Hackshaw has been involved in the National ICT program of Trinidad & Tobago since 1996, and is currently its Chief Solutions Architect.[1] His responsibilities include ensuring that the IT infrastructure and directives are in place to meet the country's ICT agenda.[2]

Tracy was notably involved in the country's deployment of multi-channel service delivery strategies.[3]

He is also the Chief Futurist/Lead Catalyst at Enterprise Technology Consulting Services.[4]


Tracy Hackshaw was the nation's ISOC ambassador to the IGF in 2009 & 2010.[5] Tracy has been a panelist on IGF workshops discussing the success and failures of recent Internet Governance.[6] He is involved with ICANN's GAC.[7]

Tracy has been a Fellow at multiple ICANN conferences.[8]


Mr. Hackshaw previously worked at a large Caribbean conglomerate as a Regional Team Leader responsible for e-Business projects.

He has studied in the West Indies, and London. In 2008. Tracy completed multiple phases of the Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme with the DiploFoundation.[9]

Tracy would also like to note that he is "Trini to the bone".[10]
