Erika Mann

Revision as of 21:49, 10 February 2018 by Dustin Loup (talk | contribs)
Erika Mann.JPG
Country: Germany


LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Erika Mann
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @erikammann

Erika Mann is a Member of the ICANN Board of Directors and part of the GNSO council. She was appointed by the Nominating Committee on December 10, 2010, Her appointment ends at the conclusion of the 2016 Annual Meeting. She is the current senior European policy advisor at Covington's global Public Policy and Government Affairs practice. Prior to this she was the current Executive Vice President of the Computer & Communications Industry Association and head of the Facebook Brussels Office. She also serves as a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council, a Trustee of Friends of Europe, and Member of the Advisory Board of the European Policy Center. Mann is is a foreign policy expert with an extensive experience in transatlantic relations and international internet policy formation.[1][2]

Career History

In 1985, Mann founded of Philtech, an IT Consultancy firm providing solutions on data privacy, telecommunications regulation, e-commerce, and internet regulation, including ICANN issues and policies. She served as CEO of the company until 1994. In 1994, Erika became Member of the European Parliament (MEP), in which position she focused on policies concerning the World Trade Organization (WTO), transatlantic relations, digital economy, telecommunications and the Internet, and research. She served as MEP for 15 years, until 2009. While serving as Chairman of the Transatlantic Policy Network (TPN) from 2003 until 2009, she was instrumental in the development of the idea for a Translantic Market between the United Stated and the European Union, which paved the way to the establishment of the Transatlantic Economic Council (TEC) in 2007. She served as member of the TEC Advisory Board until 2009. She was also a founding member of the European Internet Foundation and served as Chairman of the organization until 2009.[3] [4]


Mann is a active member and officer in various organizations, including:[5]

  • Parliamentary Delegation to the EU-Mexico - Chairperson
  • Atlantic Council - Non-resident Senior Fellow
  • Atlantic Council Business and Economics Advisory Group - Member
  • Salzburg Global Seminar - Member of the Board
  • German Marshall Foundation - Member
  • Internews - Member of the Board
  • International Education and Encounter Network (IBB )- Member of the Board of Trustees
  • Max-Planck-Institute for Aeronomics in Katlenburg, Lindau, Germany - Member of the Board of Trustees
  • Kompetenzzentrum Technik e.V.-Co - Chairperson of the Board of Trustees
  • Women in Industrial Research (WIR) of the European Commission - Member of Expert Groups
  • Europa Donna (a women's initiative against breast cancer) -Member
  • European Policy Centre (EPC) - Member of the Advisory Council
  • European Policy Studies(CEPS) -Member
  • Kangaroo Group - Member of the Board
  • Friends of Europe - Trustee


  • European-American Business Council Award - 2005
  • Academic of the International Informatization Academy of the United Nations (AC II A UN) - 2003
  • Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande (Federal Cross Merit) -2001


Mann received her Bachelors degree in Educational Science and Masters Degree in Philosophy from the University of Hannover. She speaks German, English, Spanish and French.
