Ikhsan Nurohman Hidayat

Revision as of 17:43, 15 November 2016 by Jackie Treiber (talk | contribs)

Ikhsan Nurohman Hidayat is interested in the Internet via SMK 1 Kemangkon in the TKJ.

Affiliation: T-REX Foundation
Country: INA
Email: iksan@t-rex.net

LinkIcon.png   [T-REX's Web T-REX's Web]

Facebook: Facebook.png   [Iksan Cathutan Ikhsan Nurohman Hidayat]


Madrasah Iftidaiyah I graduated in 2013 and went on to junior high school SMPN 3 Kemangkon and graduated in 2016, I also go to school to secondary school at SMK SMK 1 Kemangkon.