Template:ICANN Working Group

Revision as of 09:23, 23 October 2017 by Dustin Loup (talk | contribs)

This is the "ICANN Working Group" template. It should be called in the following format:

{{ICANN Working Group
|Issue Areas=
|Date Established=

Edit the page to see the template text. {{#cargo_declare:_table=ICANN_Working_Group|Organizer=List (,) of Page (allowed values=At-Large,ccNSO,GAC,GNSO,Cross-Community,Review)|Status=List (,) of String (allowed values=Forming,Active,Completed)|Issue_Areas=List (,) of String (allowed values=Accountability/Transparency,Domain Name Registrant Data,Human Rights,IDN,Contracted Party Agreements,Transfers,Dispute Resolution,New gTLDs,Protected Strings,Accessibility,Engagement)|Type=List (,) of String (allowed values=Ad-Hoc,PDP,Non-PDP,Review,Standing,Subcommittee,Task Force,N/A|Date_Established=Date)}}