This is the "Actor" template. It should be called in the following format:
{{Actor |stakeholder group= |country= |region= |Address= |website= |email= |facebook= |twitter= |keypeople= }}
Edit the page to see the template text. {{#cargo_declare:_table=Actor|Logo=File|Stakeholder_Group=List (,) of String (allowed values=Academia,Business,Civil Society,Government,Technical)|Actor_Type=List (,) of String (allowed values=Think Tank, Network Operator Group, Regional Internet Registry, Domain Name Registry, Domain Name Registrar, Academic Institution, International Organization, ISOC Chapter, Community Network, ALS, Legal Firm, Trade Association, Governmental Agency, Law Enforcement Agency, Standards Body)|Country=String|Region=String|Issue_Areas=List (,) of String (allowed values=DNS, Cybersecurity, Internet of Things, Privacy, Access, Inclusiveness, Human Rights, Intellectual Property, Number Resources,E-commerce, Capacity Development, Intellectual Property, Gender Equality, Technical Standards)|Address=Text|Website=URL|Email=Email}}