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Allow me to reintroduce myself for those of you that may not know me. More than two decades ago, I embarked on a transformative journey as a telecommunications engineer, dedicating myself to resolving complex networking and telecommunication issues faced by consumers and businesses in their quest to connect to the internet and other networking issues they faced. I thrived on challenges that even tier 1 and tier 2 technicians couldn't overcome.

During a moment of deep reflection in my kitchen, after a day's work, a breakthrough struck me like lightning. "That's it!" I exclaimed to myself. "Dotless!  LESS of everything unwanted over the internet." It dawned on me that by reconfiguring .com extensions to .LESS extensions, I could enhance, minimize, or even eliminate numerous undesirable elements while incorporating additional privacy and security features for consumers. Moreover, the .LESS extension would serve as an exceptional sales and marketing tool for domain names.

Fueled by this profound revelation and armed with my knowledge and skills, I realized that I had the potential to revolutionize the entire internet experience for everyone. Brimming with determination, I made the courageous decision to leave my position and wholeheartedly pursue my vision. I poured my heart and soul into turning my dream into reality. I began writing dotless source code, meticulously documenting my inventions, establishing trademarks, and even authoring books and software to showcase the solutions my brand would provide. Concurrently, I delved deep into studying the evolution of .com and .org as top-level domains (TLDs) on the internet, which ultimately led me to uncover the influential role of ICANN.

The fruits of my labor soon started to materialize—I obtained trademarks from the USPTO, secured copyrights for my .less computer code, and my heart swelled with pride for the innovation and its boundless potential. It was during this time that I also learned about ICANN's 2012 gTLD application window.

However, despite my unwavering enthusiasm, my relative anonymity and the lack of widespread recognition for my expertise in solving complex networking issues hindered my ability to secure sufficient funding within the six-month window to complete the final payment for my registered trademark application in the TES system, which has been on file with ICANN since March of 2012

It was undoubtedly disappointing, not being able to move forward in the 2012 round, but I maintained a positive mindset, fully aware of the immense potential of my innovation. I persevered, continuously developing source code and authoring books to fortify my brand, .less, and its limitless possibilities

Let us fast forward through the years of ICANN meetings and repetitive discussions about the long-awaited forthcoming application round that has been anticipated for over 10 years and talk about now.

Through my invention and brand, .less, and establishing Advertising and Privacy Standards for .LESS as a top level domain, we are committed to elevating the internet experience in several key areas:


·       Emphasizing affordability by offering goods and services at lower prices through our advanced systems and methods.

·       Streamlining bandwidth and data transfer to achieve greater efficiency, thereby reducing the cost of home and mobile internet bills.

·       Minimizing disruptive elements such as annoying advertising, spam, phishing, fake news, and other undesirable content.

·       Combating click fraud and promoting online security measures, among other initiatives.

Essentially, we aim to deliver LESS of everything you don't want over the internet.

In essence, .LESS is not merely another top-level domain; it represents a transformative force that uplifts the internet experience. We have coined the term "Web Owners Association" or W-O-A to describe a united community that collaborates with end users, website developers, ICANN, AI systems, and government entities, all working together to ensure that the internet operates at its highest potential, specifically through .LESS website extensions. Together, as a community, we can shape regulations and guidelines that promote a safer, more affordable, and more user-centric digital realm.

What I possess is precisely the innovation ICANN has been seeking all this time since the 2012 TLD round. .LESS combined with our systems and methods is undeniably the crown jewel of the TLD program and not just another extension.

Please visit our website to learn more about this groundbreaking innovation to eliminate numerous undesirable elements while incorporating additional privacy and security features for consumers making a lasting positive impact on the lives of the billions of users around the world.