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.淡马锡 is an IDN Brand TLD being proposed in ICANN's New gTLD Program. The applicant is Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited.[1]

.淡马锡 是一个国际化品牌顶级域名。该域名已被纳入ICANN的新通用顶级域名计划。申请人为淡马锡控股(私人)有限公司。


Excerpts from Response to Question #18 in Application:

"The Applicant is an internationally recognized investment company established in 1974 and has been operating under the “Temasek” brand. The gTLD will allow the building of an online platform, identified with the “Temasek” brand, for the Applicant to reach out to its local and international stakeholders [..] The Applicant ⁄ Registry Operator may reserve, delegate and use a large number of domain names that are directly or indirectly relevant to Applicant’s business in its own name. As some of these domain names would be descriptive in nature, the chances for qualifying ⁄ eligible applicants ⁄ registrants to register such domain names after the launch will be limited. The Registry Operator may release available domain names post-launch in a highly controlled manner, which also reduces the likelihood that two or more applicants qualify for the registration of the same domain name in the . 淡马锡top-level domain."[2]


淡马锡控股(私人)有限公司于1974年成立,是一家国际投资公司,公司品牌为“Temasek”. 公司将利用此通用顶级域名建立网络平台,并为其品牌代言。此域名将帮助公司与其本土及国际股东保持紧密联系。申请人/注册运营者将保留,分配并使用大量直接或间接与其商务活动相关的域名。除了公司外,其他合格的域名申请人将只能申请有限的域名份额。公司可能会在该顶级域名投入使用后开放少量的域名选择,但申请程序将在其严格地控制要求下进行。这也将大大降低域名申请人提出相同域名申请的几率。
