Registry Provider: Afilias
Type: Brand TLD

More information:

.chesapeake is a Brand TLD being proposed in ICANN's New gTLD Program. The applicant is Afterdot LLC.[1]

The application was withdrawn in July 2013, after it had passed Initial Evaluation.[2]

Application Details edit

The following is excerpted from the applicant's response to question #18:

"Model The proposed gTLD is a closed registry restricted to usage by Chesapeake Energy Corporation, owned and operated through its wholly owned subsidiary company, Afterdot Registry (the applicant). The proposed new TLD will operate as:

  • an internal communication tool
  • authenticated marketing presence
  • client service delivery system
  • centralized brand and identity system

Mission The key mission of the proposed gTLD is to optimize customer service, corporate and consumer information and security through:

  • A consistently structured and authenticated system of Internet and Intranet communication, ensuring that Chesapeakeʹs diverse operations, programmes and projects are coherently integrated into an orderly network
  • An authenticated brand that enhances consumer confidence in communication from and to .CHESAPEAKE. The applicant will have complete control of all addresses and communication circulated under the .CHESAPEAKE label. Receipt of Internet communication from .CHESAPEAKE will be a guarantee of authenticity.
  • Closely monitored, calibrated and focused customer service that optimises the management of customer communication, customer relationships and product development
  • Enhanced functionality and security that can respond to evolving customer and market needs


Registration policies to support above goals The applicant has developed the following explicit policies to support the user-experience goals enunciated in (iii) above.

(a) Customer service In conjunction with the technical service provider the Registry will have advanced system functions and features to ensure high service reliability and a flexible systems architecture.

Strong cooperative relationships with registrar(s) will ensure that consumer needs are monitored, measured and responded to in a way that reflects the evolving role and purpose of the Internet.

(b) Robust Neutrality The Registry will be operated on best industry and ICANN practices to ensure that it is a trusted, unbiased provider of core Internet DNS functionality while providing consistent and stable operation of a new TLD.

Among the most important aspect of the neutrality policy is the registryʹs relationship with registrars noted below.

(c) Robust Data Security and Privacy The Registry, as a neutral and trusted registry, must maintain the trust of the registrars and the consumers. Therefore, the Registry will not market in any way the registrant information obtained from registrars for purposes of running the registry, nor will it share that data with any unrelated third parties. The Registry operator will only have access to such data as is necessary for operation of the registry itself and will use that data only as required by registry operations.

The Registry will provide registrars with a mechanism for accessing and correcting personal data and will take reasonable steps to protect personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorized disclosure, alteration or destruction.

(d) Robust Data Escrow: The Registry will follow all data escrow requirements mandated by ICANN and work with an ICANN accredited Data Escrow provider. By so doing, the Registry will ensure that all data necessary for operation of the registry will be available in the event of a catastrophic failure of the registry or following the selection by ICANN of a new registry using the EBERO system.

(e) Internet Standards Regarding Naming and Reserved Names The Registry will reserve and block the registration of names as specified in Schedule 5 of the Registry Agreement. The Registry will consistently work with ICANN to ensure that registry practice confirms with ICANN requirements.

The Registry will reserve for itself a small number of names necessary for the secure operational and technical functions of the registry.

(f) Acceptable Use Policy and Registrar Agreements The policy of the Registry and contracted registrars relating to the computer systems, hardware, servers, bandwidth, telecommunications transport and e-mail routing provided by the Registry and Domain Provider(s) will promote the integrity, security, reliability and privacy of the Registry Network and the Registrar(s).

The Registryʹs policy will follow leading industry standard that both (i) support the free flow of information over the Internet and (ii) inhibit the transmission of materials that offend relevant laws, rights, interests and codes of conduct. The policy will provide a complaints procedure and enforcement mechanisms.

The Registry and Domain Provider(s) and⁄or the Registrar may at its sole discretion remove any content or material or services such as URL forwarding, Email forwarding, DNS hosting, WHOIS protection, proxy service etcetera from its servers, or terminate access to the Registry Network where it has been determined by the Registry and Domain Provider(s) and⁄or the Registrar that a registrant has violated the Acceptable Use Policy.

(g) Leading Protocols on Technology, Anti- Cybersquatting and WHOIS The Registry will adhere to all existing ICANN policies as well as commit to further evolution of TLD policies that advance ICANNʹs core principles in the operation of the Internet. While this round of applications for new TLDs may revolutionize the Internet, the Registry believes that such revolution be supported by evolutionary development of operational rules. The Registry is committed to a full and cooperative partnership with ICANN in the growth of Internet services on a secure and sustained basis. See further, below.

(h) General registration policies As a wholly ʺin houseʺ closed registry TLD, .CHESAPEAKE will be available only to authorized users and members of Chesapeake and its subsidiaries. Together with technical provider, Afilias, the business management team and qualified registrars, the Registry will have in place a vigilant system of authentication and permission to ensure that registration is tightly controlled and monitored.

(i) Reservation of sub-domains Second and subsequent level sub-domains will only be created as part of the communication structure and strategy within Chesapeake. Sub-domains will not be freely available on the market."[3]

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