.is is the ccTLD for Iceland. The letters come from the country's local name, Ísland. It is managed by ISNIC - Internet Iceland ltd.[1]
Rules and Restrictions[edit | edit source]
One does not need to be Icelandic to register a .is domain name.[2]
The following domains are reserved for possible future use and will not be registered: "net.is", "com.is", "edu.is", "gov.is", "org.is", and "int.is".[3]
Intellectual Property Dispute[edit | edit source]
In a dispute where the plaintiff demands that the rights holder of a domain transfers a domain name to the plaintiff on the basis of intellectual property rights, the Board of Appeals may decide that the domain will be transferred if all the following apply:
- a domain name is similar to a trademark owned by the plaintiff and was registered as a wordmark or design mark with Hugverkastofa before the domain was registered to the right holder;
- the domain owner does not have a legitimate interest in using the domain;
- the domain owner was not acting in good faith when registering the domain name.
A domain name will not be deemed to have been registered to the rights holder in good faith if any of the following applies:
- a domain name was registered for the purpose of selling, renting or providing access to the domain to another party for a fee that is demonstrably higher than the cost of registering and renewing it;
- a domain name was registered for the sole purpose of preventing a competitor from registering that particular domain name.[3]
Characters[edit | edit source]
Domains names can only contain letters of the English alphabet, numerals, hyphens and the letters: á, é, ý, ú, í, ó, þ, æ, ö, ð. A domain name shall not begin or end with a hyphen, and shall not contain a hyphen in both third and fourth position. A domain name (including the .is part) can have a maximum of 66 characters, or 59 characters if it contains special Icelandic characters mentioned above. No distinction is made between uppercase and lowercase letters in a domain name.[3]
References[edit | edit source]
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