Status: Proposed
Registry: Donuts
Registry Backend: Donuts
Type: Generic
Category: Lifestyle
Priority #: 758 - CompassRose.Life Inc.
1283 - Xiamen Technology Co., Ltd
1625 - Donuts (Trixy Oaks, LLC)

More information: NTLDStatsLogo.png

.life is a proposed TLD in ICANN's New gTLD Program.


  1. CompassRose.Life Inc. - This applicant submitted a Public Interest Commitment, which can be downloaded here. The TLD failed its initial evaluation in June 2013 due to its responses to the financial questions in the application; it is eligible for extended evaluation.[1]
  2. Donuts (Trixy Oaks, LLC) - This applicant submitted a Public Interest Commitment, which can be downloaded here.
  3. Xiamen Technology Co., Ltd[2]
