.mo is the ccTLD for Macau. The letters "mo" come from Macao, another popular spelling for the country's name. It is managed by the Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau (CTT).[1]
Rules and Restrictions edit
Applicants for the registration of a domain name in Macau must be a Legal Entity, a Commercial Entrepreneur, or Self-Employed Persons who are registered within Macau.
There is a list of reserved names, which can be checked here.[2]
Second-level Domains edit
- ".com.mo" and ".公司.mo": applicants must be a Commercial Entrepreneur, or Self-Employed Persons who are registered in Macau;
- ".net.mo" and ".網絡.mo": applicants must be properly licensed by the Provision of Internet Services or by the Provision of Telecommunication Services or authorized by the Macao SAR Internet Resources;
- ".org.mo" and ".組織.mo": applicants must be an organization registered within Macau.
- ".edu.mo" and ".教育.mo": applicants must be a Macau educational institution (or equivalent) which is accredited by Macau;
- ".gov.mo" and ".政府.mo": applicants must be a public entity within Macau.
After the domain name registration for the Chinese character with the suffixes ".mo", ".公司.mo", ".網絡.mo", ".組織.mo", ".教育.mo", or ".政府.mo" approved, the domain name holder could also use a corresponding domain name with the Simplified Chinese character for no additional fee.[2]
Characters edit
Applicants who apply for domain names with the suffix ".com.mo", ".net.mo", ".org.mo", ".edu.mo" or ".gov.mo" must consist of the letters a to z of the English alphabet (uppercase or lowercase), the numbers 0-9 or hyphens (-) or Portuguese special characters as á, à, â, ã, ç, é, ê, í, ó, ô, õ, ú (uppercase or lowercase).
Applicants who apply under the second-level domains in Chinese script (".公司.mo", ".網絡.mo", ".組織.mo" ".教育.mo" or ".政府.mo") can be constituted of English and Chinese characters. However, at least one Chinese character is required.
Domain names must have a length of not more than 63 characters, the Chinese character and the Portuguese special characters are excluded. However, domain names must have a length of not more than 63 characters after the transcoding of punycode, the Chinese character and the Portuguese special characters are included.
Hyphens (-) must not be used at the beginning or at the end of a domain name, and the third and fourth characters of a domain name cannot be hyphens simultaneously.[2]
References edit
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