Affiliation: NCUC
Region: Latin America and the Caribbean
Country: Brazil
Twitter:    @Boomartins

Currently a member

Bruna Martins dos Santos is the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group representative on the GNSO Council. She is also a German Chancellor Fellow at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Visiting Researcher at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB), and United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF) Multistakeholder Advisory Group Member. She has been an Internet Governance researcher at LAPIN/UnB, regional representative for Latin America and the Caribbean on the Executive Committee of the Non-Commercial Users Constituency and current co-coordinator the Internet Governance Caucus. She is from Brasilia, Brazil.

Career History edit

Laboratório de Pesquisa de Direito Privado e Internet (LAPIN/UnB) edit

Researcher and one of the coordinators of the Internet Governance Track of the Private Law and Internet Research Lab at the University of Brasilia, Brazil. LAPIN is a research group interested on the implications of the Internet to Private Law with a special interest in Cyberlaw, Privacy and other Internet Governance-related topics. The Lab has also acted as amicus curiae in Brazilian Federal Supreme Court in the public hearing on the WhatsApp Blockage.

Executive Office of the President of Brazil (2014-2016) edit

Legal Advisor at the Office of Legal Affairs. Responsible for reviewing bills of law regarding social matters subjected to the Presidential veto/approval. Drafting of regulation to be issued by the Executive Office of the President. Drafting of opinions regarding the legal merit of laws, decrees and other normative acts. Issuing legal opinion regarding matters related to the Brazilian Law of Access to Information and its Joint Commission for Revaluation of Information.

General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic of Brazil (2013-2014) edit

Legal Assistant at the Department of Institutional Affairs. Responsible for the draft analysis of bills of law regarding their constitutionality, normative adequacy, and thematic relevance considering the themes within the activities of the Secretariat, of regulations yet to be issued by the Executive Officer of the President and by the Chief Minister of the General-Secretariat, and legal opinion concerning laws, decrees and other normative acts.

Support and advise the development of online Public Comments on normative acts to be issued by the President. Curator of the Arena NetMundial, an unconference held by the Brazilian government aimed to discuss principles of Internet Governance with the civil society during the NetMundial.

Ministry of Justice of Brazil (2011-2013) edit

Support in the draft analysis of the Marco Civil da Internet and other Internet-related bills. Support and advise the development of online Public Comments held by the Brazilian Government on the Marco Civil da Internet and other normative acts to be issued by the Ministry of Justice.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil (2009-2011) edit

Study and monitor multilateral negotiations on Internet Governance and bilateral cooperation agreements in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Support in Governmental Preparatory Meetings for the Internet Governance Forum, ICANN and other regional preparatory meetings regarding Internet Governance with the Brazilian delegation.

Education edit

  • Bachelor of law, Centro Universitário de Brasilia, class of 2012.

Publications edit

Awards edit

ICANN Fellowship Programme at ICANN58, Copenhagen, under the tutoring of Israel Rosas.

NCUC Fellowship Programme at ICANN59, Johannesburg, under the tutoring of Avri Dória.

ICANN Fellowship Coach at ICANN60, Abu Dhabi. Mentors: Eduardo Carrillo and Victor Becerra.

Internet Society IGF Ambassador at the 12th Internet Governance Forum, Geneva.

Internet Governance Participation edit

  • Internet Society IGF Ambassador at the 12th Internet Governance Forum.
  • LAC region representative at the Non-Commercial Users Constituency Executive Committee.
  • Internet Governance Caucus Co-coordinator (term: May 2017 to May 2019).
  • Member of the SIG Youth Observatory.
  • Member of the Best Practice Forum of Gender & Access of the Internet Governance Forum.
  • Forum da Internet no brasil - Fó (Brazilian IGF) Workshop moderator and organizer.
  • ICANN Fellowship Coach at ICANN60.
  • NCUC fellow at ICANN59.
  • ICANN fellow at ICANN58.
  • Internet Freedom Festival panelist.
  • fellow at the 9th LACIGF, 2016.
  • Alumni of the Brazilian Internet Governance School (, 2014.
  • Attended the NETMundial as part of the Brazilian Government delegation, 2014.
  • Arena NETMundial curator, 2014.

ICANN76 Playing Card Illustration edit

Bruna is dressed as a high fantasy witch/sorceress (like Scarlet, the witch from Marvel) with light blues and silvers. She's posed as if she's performing a spell and making something disappear
