Domain Name Wire

Type: Blog
Industry: Domain Industry News
Founded: USA, 2005
Founder(s): Andrew Allemann
Country: USA
Facebook: domainnamewire
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png@domainnamewire
Key People
Andrew Allemann, Founder & Editor

Domain Name Wire is a blog that deals with the domain name sector. The blog covers a range of domain related topics ranging from issues concerning expiring domains, monetization, domain registries and registrars, ICANN, policy, law etc.[1]

The blog began in March, 2005, after Mr. Allemann had dropped out of meetings to become involved in domain portfolio company, iREIT. The project began as a hobby to keep him involved in the domaining business, and then became his full-time business. When he started the only other online domain commentary site was Ron Jackson's DNJournal, which focuses more on industry profiles and sales analysis than daily domain news.[2]

Some Facts about Domain Name Wire

  • The blog is very popular in India, Canada, United Kingdom and United States.[3][4]
  • The server speed is 54% faster than than those of its peers.[5]


  • PostRank Domain Award for Biggest Mover & Shaker in the year 2009[6]
  • PostRank Domain Award for top 3 blogs (other 2 being The Domains and Elliot's Blog) for the year 2009[7]
