Marek-Andres Kauts

Marek A.jpg
Country: Estonia
Email: marek-andres.kauts[at]
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Marek-Andres Kauts

Marek-Andres Kauts is the Councillor to the Board of the Estonian Internet Foundation. The foundation is a government body, for which Mr. Kauts also served as the inaugural CEO. He served as CEO and Chairman of the Board from 2009 to March 2012, when he move on to his current conciliatory role. He has been Estonia's representative to ICANN's GAC since 2008.[1][2] His responsibilities also saw him working on the ccNSO.[3]

As the founding CEO of the Estonian Internet Foundation, he built the organization around the ICANN multistakeholder model and sought to bring together and reconcile common issues between diverse interest groups throughout the country. The organization manages the country's ccTLD, .ee.[4] He resigned from the position in order to focus on his family firm.

He has a position on the board of Tallinn University of Technology.
