Sarah Deutsch

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Country: USA
Email: sarah.b.deutsch [at]
ICANNLogo.png Currently a member
of the GNSO's BC

ICANNLogo.png Formerly a member
of ICANN's NomCom

ICANNLogo.png Currently a member
of the ICANN Board

Sarah Deutsch is a practicing attorney with considerable experience in Internet policy and related legal issues. She deals with legal issues related to global Internet policy, including liability, privacy, intellectual property, spam, spyware, and Internet jurisdiction.

ICANN Involvement[edit | edit source]

Deutsch serves on the ICANN Board of Directors. She was selected by the NomCom and her term runs from November 2017 to AMG 2026.[1]

Current Committees[edit | edit source]

Accountability Mechanisms | Member Audit | Chair Compensation | Member Board Governance | Chair President and CEO Search | Vice-Chair

Former Committees[edit | edit source]

Deutsch is a member of the Executive Committee of the ICANN GNSO's Business Constituency [2] and has attended the Commercial and Business Users Constituency (BC) at ICANN Cartagena de Indias.[3] She has also attended the Whois Workshop at ICANN Montreal. Ms. Deutsch was appointed as the Business Constituency (Large) representative to ICANN's 2012 NomCom.[4]

Career[edit | edit source]

Deutsch worked for over 23 years at Bell Atlantic, which became Verizon Communications, as Vice President and Deputy General Counsel in its Legal Department. She was involved in several high profile cases, including the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) vs Verizon[5] and Verizon's Cybersquatting Lawsuit in which Verizon was awarded more than $33 million.[6] In an interview with Groklaw, Deutsch discusses the details of the RIAA vs Verizon case.[7] In an interview with, she details Verizon's copyright campaign.[8] Deutsch also worked on the UDRP and was one of the five negotiators for the telecommunications Industry that negotiated the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) in 1998.[9][10]

Advising[edit | edit source]

Deutsch was a Private Sector Advisor to the U.S. Delegation to the World Intellectual Property Organization 1996 Conference on the WIPO Copyright Treaties.[11]

Deutsch attended the OECD Digital Content Conference in 2006.[12]

References[edit | edit source]