.pt is the ccTLD for Portugal. It is managed by Associação DNS.PT.[1]
Rules and Restrictions[edit | edit source]
Registration of a domain name is not admissible when it:
- manifestly corresponds to obscene language or words or expressions contrary to the law;
- corresponds to a protected Portuguese or European designation of origin or to a geographical indication under the applicable law;
- corresponds to a geographical name. A geographical name is considered any name, regardless of the language used, which coincides with:
- the name of a country;
- the name of a Portuguese civil parish, municipality or administrative region;
- he name of a foreign capital or city which, due to its notoriety and relevance, is of common knowledge;
- a domain name must also not correspond to the reproduction of a trademark, name or designation of broad and widespread knowledge that constitutes an abusive appropriation of a right or interest of a legally protected third party, done in bad faith.[2]
Second-level Domains[edit | edit source]
The following second-level domains existed and are now extinct: ".net.pt", ".int.pt", ".publ.pt", ".nome.pt", ".org.pt" and ".edu.pt". ain? No new registrations will be accepted under them, domains already registered will continue to exist and can be renewed.
The ".gov.pt" domain is registered and managed by Government Computer Network Management Centre (CEGER). Thus, the registration in the ".gov.pt" hierarchy must be carried out in www.ceger.gov.pt and is limited to entities that are part of the structure of the Government of the Republic.[3]
Characters[edit | edit source]
The conditions for the composition of domain names are as follows:
- domain name must have between 2 and 63 characters belonging to the following group: digits 0-9 and letters a-z;
- whenever a domain name includes special characters from the Portuguese alphabet, it can take on the nature of an IDN;
- the use of a [-] (hyphen) character is accepted only as a word separator, and it cannot be used at the beginning or at the end of a domain name;
- a domain name that starts with "xn" cannot have two consecutive hyphens [--] in the third and fourth positions.[2]
References[edit | edit source]
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