Ólafur Guðmundsson

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Olafur Guomundsson portrait.JPG
Olafur Guomundsson caric .jpg
Country: USA
Email: olafur[at]cloudflare.com
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   Ólafur Guðmundsson
Twitter: TwitterIcon.png   @OGudm
Userboxcards.png Featured in the ICANN 53 - Buenos Aires playing card deck

Ólafur Guðmundsson has a Systems Engineer position at Cloudflare[1]

Mr. Guðmundsson is one of the twenty-one TCRs (or Trusted Community Representatives) selected by ICANN around the globe. He was a Backup Crypto Officers until 2014 when he became a Crypto Officers for the US West Coast Facility.[2]

Industry Participation

Mr. Guðmundsson is a long time chair of DNS working groups in the IETF, and has authored many RFCs published by the IETF.

External Links
