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.ge is the ccTLD for Georgia. It is managed by Caucasus Online LLC.[1]

Rules and Restrictions[edit | edit source]

The registration of a .ge Domain Name may be electronically applied for via the intermediation of the Registrar by all public (Georgian governmental body) or private person (resident as well as non-resident natural or legal person having legal capacity), whose identity is controlled and who submits the required information and documents, if so requested under this Domain Regulation. The number of Domain Names per Registrant is not limited.

The Domain Name is not registered if it is identical to other duly registered Domain Name.[2]

Second-level Domains[edit | edit source]

Only the Domain Names satisfying the following requirements can be registered under the General Domain:

  • .com.ge: can only be registered under the name of any natural person or legal entity;
  • .edu.ge: can only be registered under the name of general educational institutions/schools and higher educational institutions;
  • .org.ge: can only be registered under the name of not-for-profit organizations;
  • .net.ge: can only be registered under the name of organizations which are network providers or their activities are related to electronic communications;
  • .pvt.ge: can only be registered under the name of private individuals;
  • .school.ge: can only be registered under the name of general educational institutions/schools;
  • .gov.ge: can only be registered under the name of state entities, or local self-government units or organizations, legal entities under public law (except for cultural, educational scientific, research, sport institutions, religious, political unions, membership-based legal

entities under public law), and right to register such Domain Names is delegated to the LEPL “Smart Logic” of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia based on the memorandum of understanding concluded between the Registry and LEPL “Smart Logic”.[2]

Characters[edit | edit source]

  • The Domain Name may only contain numbers (0-9), dashes and Latin letters, and its combination;
  • the Domain Name with capital and lowercase letters are not differentiated between;
  • the Domain Name shall not start and end with a dash;
  • the minimum number of symbols for Domain Name is 2 (two) and maximum- 63 (sixty-three).[2]

References[edit | edit source]