
Importing a new version from external source
The initial top level domain names was introduced through the Internet Working Group Domain Requirements (RFC 920) authored by [[Jon Postel]] and .[[Joyce Reynolds]] in 1984. The original top level domain names include: [[.arpa]] (intended to be transitional for the [[ARPANET|ARPA-Internet]]), [[.com]] (commercial), [[.edu]] (education), [[.gov]] (government), [[.mil]] (military), and [[.org]] (organization) as well as two-letter (alpha-2) names identifying countries based on the ISO 3166-1 (ISO Standard for Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries.<ref>[ RFC 920]</ref> In 1985, when the TLDs were implemented [[.net]] was added and subsequently in 1988 the [[.int]] was added for international organizations.
