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ImageSize= width:800 height:auto barincrement:35 # Sets the width at 800px, and provides some cushion between the bars
ImageSize = width:800 height:100
DateFormat=mm/dd/yyyy # Other options are yyyy or mm/yyyy
PlotArea  = left:65 right:15 bottom:20 top:5
Period = from:01/01/1990 till:01/01/2005 # Defines the beginning and end dates of the timeline
AlignBars = justify
TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal
PlotArea = right:10 left:10 bottom:20 top:20 # Sets plot area margins in pixels
Colors = # defines colors - indent all lines below until you're done with colors.
Colors =
    id:bg value:white # there are 32 named colors you can use
  id:phanerozoic value:rgb(0.435,0.85,0.866)
    id:thing value:rgb(0.8,0.8,0.8) # this is a darkish gray
  id:cenozoic value:rgb(0.949,0.976,0.113)
    id:anotherthing value:rgb(1,0.5,0.5) # this is a salmon pink colors
  id:quaternary value:rgb(0.976,0.976,0.498)
    id:yetanotherthing value:limegreen legend:"Yet another thing" # another example of a named color - note the "legend" variable, which will show up in the legend that you defined above
  id:neogene value:rgb(1,0.901,0.098)
    id:lightline value:rgb(0.2,0.2,0.2) # a nice light gray for your gridlines (below)
  id:paleogene value:rgb(0.992,0.603,0.321)
  id:mesozoic value:rgb(0.403,0.772,0.792)
  id:cretaceous value:rgb(0.498,0.776,0.306)
  id:jurassic value:rgb(0.203,0.698,0.788)
  id:triassic value:rgb(0.505,0.168,0.572)
  id:paleozoic value:rgb(0.6,0.752,0.552)
  id:permian value:rgb(0.941,0.25,0.156)
  id:carboniferous value:rgb(0.403,0.647,0.6)
  id:devonian value:rgb(0.796,0.549,0.215)
  id:silurian value:rgb(0.702,0.882,0.713)
  id:ordovician value:rgb(0,0.572,0.439)
  id:cambrian value:rgb(0.496,0.627,0.337)
  id:proterozoic value:rgb(0.968,0.207,0.388)
  id:neoproterozoic value:rgb(0.996,0.701,0.258)
  id:ediacaran value:rgb(0.996,0.85,0.415)
  id:cryogenian value:rgb(0.996,0.8,0.36)
  id:tonian value:rgb(0.996,0.75,0.305)
  id:mesoproterozoic value:rgb(0.996,0.705,0.384)
  id:stenian value:rgb(0.996,0.85,0.604)
  id:ectasian value:rgb(0.996,0.8,0.541)
  id:calymmian value:rgb(0.996,0.75,0.478)
  id:paleoproterozoic value:rgb(0.968,0.263,0.44)
  id:statherian value:rgb(0.968,0.459,0.655)
  id:orosirian value:rgb(0.968,0.408,0.596)
  id:rhyacian value:rgb(0.968,0.357,0.537)
  id:siderian value:rgb(0.968,0.306,0.478)
  id:archean value:rgb(0.996,0.157,0.498)
  id:neoarchean value:rgb(0.976,0.608,0.757)
  id:mesoarchean value:rgb(0.968,0.408,0.662)
  id:paleoarchean value:rgb(0.96,0.266,0.624)
  id:eoarchean value:rgb(0.902,0.114,0.549)
  id:hadean value:rgb(0.717,0,0.494)
  id:black value:black
  id:white value:white
BackgroundColors = canvas:bg  # this sets a white background. You can set a default color for your timeline bars with "bars:[colorid]"
Period    = from:-4567 till:0
ScaleMajor = unit:year gridcolor:lightline # creates a timeline with grid lines that will run upwards across the whole image
TimeAxis  = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:500 start:-4500
ScaleMinor = unit:year increment:100 start:-4500
PlotData = # it's finally time to draw some bars
Define $markred = text:"*" textcolor:red shift:(0,3) fontsize:10
    color:thing width:25 text:S mark:(line,black)
  align:center textcolor:black fontsize:8 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)
          from:01/01/1990 till:03/01/1994 text:"[[ICANN|You can link things,]]"
          from:03/01/1994 till:06/30/1998 text:"or not,"
          from:06/30/1998 till:01/01/2005 text:"but you must [[ICANN|choose]]"
    color:anotherthing width:25 text:S mark:(line,black)
          from:03/01/1994 till:12/31/1998 text:"Bars can start anywhere,"
          from:01/01/2000 till:01/01/2002 text:"and have gaps."
          from:01/01/2002 till:01/01/2005 shift:(0,15) text:"You can move text with 'shift:(x,y)'""
    color:yetanotherthing width 25 text:S mark:(line,black)
          from:01/01/1990 till:01/01/2005 text:"Most commands and variables are called with the name:value format"
  at:      0 align:right $markred
  at:    -542 align:left  $markred shift:(2,3)
  from:  -542 till:    0  text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Phanerozoic|Phanerozoic]] color:phanerozoic 
  from: -2500 till: -542  text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Proterozoic|Proterozoic]] color:proterozoic 
  from: -4000 till: -2500 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Archean|Archean]]    color:archean 
  from: start till: -4000 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Hadean|Hadean]]      color:hadean
  from: -65.5 till: 0    text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Cenozoic|C]] color:cenozoic       
  from: -251  till: -65.5 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Mesozoic|Meso]] color:mesozoic       
  from: -542  till: -251  text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Paleozoic|Paleozoic]] color:paleozoic
  from: -1000 till: -542  text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Neoproterozoic|Neoproterozoic]] color:neoproterozoic 
  from: -1600 till: -1000 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Mesoproterozoic|Mesoproterozoic]] color:mesoproterozoic 
  from: -2500 till: -1600 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Paleoproterozoic|Paleoproterozoic]] color:paleoproterozoic
  from: -2800 till: -2500 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Neoarchean|Neoarch]] color:neoarchean     
  from: -3200 till: -2800 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Mesoarchean|Mesoarch]] color:mesoarchean     
  from: -3600 till: -3200 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Paleoarchean|Paleoarch]] color:paleoarchean   
  from: -4000 till: -3600 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Eoarchean|Eoarchean]] color:eoarchean
  from: start till: -4000 color:white
  from: -2.6 till: 0        color:quaternary
  from: -23.03 till: -2.6  color:neogene
  from: -65.5 till: -23.03  color:paleogene
  from: -145.5 till: -65.5  color:cretaceous
  from: -199.6 till: -145.5 color:jurassic
  from: -251 till: -199.6  color:triassic
  from: -299 till: -251    color:permian
  from: -359.2 till: -299  color:carboniferous
  from: -416 till: -359.2  color:devonian
  from: -443.7 till: -416  color:silurian
  from: -488.3 till: -443.7 color:ordovician
  from: -542 till: -488.3  color:cambrian
  from: -635  till: -542  text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Ediacaran|Ed.]] color:ediacaran
  from: -850  till: -635  text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Cryogenian|Cryo]] color:cryogenian
  from: -1000 till: -850  text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Tonian|Tonian]] color:tonian
  from: -1200 till: -1000 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Stenian|Stenian]] color:stenian
  from: -1400 till: -1200 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Ectasian|Ectasian]] color:ectasian
  from: -1600 till: -1400 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Calymmian|Calymm]] color:calymmian
  from: -1800 till: -1600 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Statherian|Stather]] color:statherian
  from: -2050 till: -1800 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Orosirian|Orosirian]] color:orosirian
  from: -2300 till: -2050 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Rhyacian|Rhyacian]] color:rhyacian
  from: -2500 till: -2300 text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Siderian|Siderian]] color:siderian
  from: start till: -2500 color:white
[[Category:Loose initiatives]]

Revision as of 16:58, 10 September 2021
