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ImageSize= width:800 height:auto barincrement:35 # Sets the width at 800px, and provides some cushion between the bars
ImageSize = width:800 height:200
DateFormat=mm/dd/yyyy # Other options are yyyy or mm/yyyy
PlotArea  = left:65 right:15 bottom:20 top:20
Period = from:01/01/1990 till:01/01/2005 # Defines the beginning and end dates of the timeline
AlignBars = justify
TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal
Period     = from:1997 till:2022
PlotArea = right:10 left:10 bottom:20 top:20 # Sets plot area margins in pixels
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:1 start:1997
  align:center textcolor:black fontsize:10 mark:(line,black) width:25 shift:(0,-5)
Colors = # defines colors - indent all lines below until you're done with colors.
  bar:CEO from: 1998.830 till: end
    id:bg value:white # there are 32 named colors you can use
    id:thing value:rgb(0.8,0.8,0.8) # this is a darkish gray
  from: 1998.830 till: 2001.249 text:"[[Mike Roberts|Roberts]]" color:skyblue 
    id:anotherthing value:rgb(1,0.5,0.5) # this is a salmon pink colors
  from: 2001.249 till: 2003.249  text:"[[Stuart Lynn|Lynn]]" color:orange
    id:yetanotherthing value:limegreen legend:"Yet another thing" # another example of a named color - note the "legend" variable, which will show up in the legend that you defined above
  from: 2003.249 till: 2009.5 text:"[[Paul Twomey|Twomey]]"    color:skyblue
    id:lightline value:rgb(0.2,0.2,0.2) # a nice light gray for your gridlines (below)
  from: 2009.5  till: 2012.583 text:"[[Rod Beckstrom|Becktrom]]"    color:orange
  from: 2012.583 till: 2012.833 shift:(0,15) text:"[[Akram Atallah|Atallah*]]" color:limegreen
  from: 2012.833 till: 2016.249 text:"[[Fadi Chehade|Chehade]]" color:skyblue
  from: 2016:249 till: 2016.417 shift:(0,15) text:"[[Akram Atallah|Atallah*]]" color:limegreen
  from: 2016.417 till: end text:"[[Goran Marby|Marby]]" color:orange
  at:end shift:(0,-30) align:right text:"*Interim Appointments"
  bar:Chairperson from: 1998.830 till: end
BackgroundColors = canvas:bg  # this sets a white background. You can set a default color for your timeline bars with "bars:[colorid]"
  from: 1998.830 till: 2001 text:"[[Esther Dyson|Dyson]]" color:drabgreen
ScaleMajor = unit:year gridcolor:lightline # creates a timeline with grid lines that will run upwards across the whole image
  from: 2001 till: 2008 text:"[[Vint Cerf|Cerf]]" color:lavender
  from: 2008 till: 2012 text:"[[Peter Dengate Thrush|Thrush]]" color:drabgreen
  from: 2012 till: 2017 text:"[[Steve Crocker|Crocker]]" color:lavender
  from: 2017 till: 2020 text:"[[Cherine Chalaby|Chalaby]]" color:drabgreen
  from: 2020 till: end  shift:(0,15) text:"[[Maarten Botterman|Botterman]]" color:lavender
PlotData = # it's finally time to draw some bars
  bar:Structure from: start till: end color:white
  from: 1997 till: 1998.830 shift:(18,15) text:"Birth of ICANN" color:tan1
  from: 2001.916 till: 2003.166 shift:(10,15) text:"[[2002 Evolution and Reform Process|Evo & Reform]]" color:tan1
  from: 2008.249 till: 2012.5 shift:(12,15) text:"[[First GNSO Organizational Review|GNSO 1 - Houses Formed]]" color:tan1
  bar:Policy from: start till: end color: white
    color:thing width:25 text:S mark:(line,black)
          from:01/01/1990 till:03/01/1994 text:"[[ICANN|You can link things,]]"
          from:03/01/1994 till:06/30/1998 text:"or not,"
          from:06/30/1998 till:01/01/2005 text:"but you must [[ICANN|choose]]"
    color:anotherthing width:25 text:S mark:(line,black)
          from:03/01/1994 till:12/31/1998 text:"Bars can start anywhere,"
          from:01/01/2000 till:01/01/2002 text:"and have gaps."
          from:01/01/2002 till:01/01/2005 shift:(0,15) text:"You can move text with 'shift:(x,y)'""
    color:yetanotherthing width 25 text:S mark:(line,black)
          from:01/01/1990 till:01/01/2005 text:"Most commands and variables are called with the name:value format"
  from: 1999.666 till: 2001.249 text:"[[Ad Hoc Group on Future Numbering Requirements|Ad Hoc]]" color:coral
[[Category:Loose initiatives]]

Revision as of 21:18, 13 September 2021

Ad Hoc Group on Future Numbering RequirementsFirst GNSO Organizational Review2002 Evolution and Reform ProcessMaarten BottermanCherine ChalabySteve CrockerPeter Dengate ThrushVint CerfEsther DysonGoran MarbyAkram AtallahFadi ChehadeAkram AtallahRod BeckstromPaul TwomeyStuart LynnMike Roberts