
2,638 bytes added ,  4 months ago
Line 8: Line 8:  
| [[AC]] || [[Advisory Committee]] ||  
| [[AC]] || [[Advisory Committee]] ||  
| [[ACPA]] || [[Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act]] ||
| [[ADNDRC]] || [[Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre]] ||
| [[ADNDRC]] || [[Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre]] ||
Line 13: Line 15:  
| [[AoC]] || [[Affirmations of Commitments]] ||  
| [[AoC]] || [[Affirmations of Commitments]] ||  
| [[AGB]] || [[Applicant GuideBook]] ||  
| [[AGB]] || [[Applicant Guidebook]] ||  
| [[AFRALO]] ||[[African Regional At-Large Organization]] ||  
| [[AFRALO]] ||[[African Regional At-Large Organization]] ||  
Line 27: Line 29:  
| [[APNIC]] ||[[The Asia Pacific Network Information Centre]] || Centro de Información de Redes del Pacifico Asiático
| [[APNIC]] ||[[The Asia Pacific Network Information Centre]] || Centro de Información de Redes del Pacifico Asiático
| [[APNGC]] || [[Asia Pacific Next Generation Camp ||  
| [[APNGC]] || [[Asia Pacific Next Generation Camp]] ||  
| [[APrIGF]] || Asia Pacific regional Internet Governance Forum ||
| [[APrIGF]] || Asia Pacific regional Internet Governance Forum ||
Line 43: Line 45:  
| [[AROS]] || Automated Registrar Onboarding System||  
| [[AROS]] || Automated Registrar Onboarding System||  
| [[ASN]] || [[Autonomous System Number ]] ||
| [[ASN]] || [[Autonomous System Number]] ||
| [[ASO]] || [[Address Supporting Organization]] || Organización de Apoyo Para Direcciones
| [[ASO]] || [[Address Supporting Organization]] || Organización de Apoyo Para Direcciones
| [[ASOAC]] || [[Address Supporting Organization Address Council]] ||
| ASOAC || [[ASO#Address Council|Address Council]] ||
| [[ATRT]] || [[Accountability and Transparency Review Team]]
| [[BAMC]] || [[Board Accountability Mechanisms Committee]] ||  
| [[BAMC]] || [[Board Accountability Mechanisms Committee]] ||  
Line 57: Line 59:  
| [[BGC]] || [[Board Governance Committee]] ||  
| [[BGC]] || [[Board Governance Committee]] ||  
| [[BIPA]] || Barbados Information & Communications Technology Professionals Association]] ||
| [[BIND]] || [[Berkeley Internet Name Domain]] ||
| [[BIPA]] || [[Barbados Information & Communications Technology Professionals Association]] ||
| [[BTC]] || [[Board Technical Committee]] ||  
| [[BTC]] || [[Board Technical Committee]] ||  
| [[CADNA]] || [[Coalition Against Domain Name Abuse]] ||
| [[CCAOI]] || Cyber Cafe Association Of India ||  
| [[CCAOI]] || Cyber Cafe Association Of India ||  
| [[CDN]] || Content Delivery Networks ||
| [[CLDP]] || Commercial Law Development program ||  
| [[CLDP]] || Commercial Law Development program ||  
Line 70: Line 78:  
| [[COP]] ||Community Onboarding Pilot Program ||  
| [[COP]] ||Community Onboarding Pilot Program ||  
| [[CPIF]] ||Consensus Policy Implementation Framework ||
| [[ccTLD]] || Country-Code Top Level Domain || Dominio de Alto Nivel con Código de País
| [[ccTLD]] || Country-Code Top Level Domain || Dominio de Alto Nivel con Código de País
Line 84: Line 94:  
| [[CROP]] || Council Of  Regional Organizations in the Pacific ||
| [[CROP]] || Council Of  Regional Organizations in the Pacific ||
| [[CPE]] || Community Priority Evaluation ||
| [[CSC]] || [[Customer Standing Committee]] ||
| [[CSC]] || [[Customer Standing Committee]] ||
Line 98: Line 110:  
| [[DNSSEC]] || [[Domain Name System Security Extensions]] || Domain Name System extensions  
| [[DNSSEC]] || [[Domain Name System Security Extensions]] || Domain Name System extensions  
| [[DRDWG]] || [[Delegation Re-delegation and Retirement Working Group]] || Delegation Re-delegation and Retirement Working Group
| [[DSCI]] || [[Data Security Council of India]] ||
| [[EAI]] || [[email Address Internationalization]] ||
| [[EAI]] || [[email Address Internationalization]] ||
| [[EURALO]] || [[European Regional At-Large Organization]] ||
| [[EBERO]] || [[Emergency Back-End Registry Operators]] ||
| [[EPP]] || [[Extensible Provisioning Protocol ]] ||
| [[EPDP]] || [[Expedited Policy Development Process ]] ||
| [[EPIC]] || [[Electronic Privacy Information Centre]] ||
| [[EPSRP]] || [[Extended Process Similarity Review Panel ]] ||
| [[EPSRP]] || [[Extended Process Similarity Review Panel ]] ||
| [[ERM]] || [[Enterprise Risk Management ]] ||
| [[ETA]] || [[Electronic Transactions Act]] ||
| [[ETSI]] || [[European Telecommunications Standards Institute ]] ||
| [[EUROSSIG]] || [[European Summer School on Internet Governance ]] ||
| [[EUROSSIG]] || [[European Summer School on Internet Governance ]] ||
| [[EURODIG]] || [[European Dialogue on Internet Governance
| [[EURODIG]] || [[European Dialogue on Internet Governance ]] ||
| [[EWG]] || [[Expert Working Group ]] ||
| [[EWG]] || [[Expert Working Group ]] ||
|-                | [[EURALO]] || [[European Regional At-Large Organization]] ||
| [[FOA]] || [[Form Of Authorization ]] ||
| [[FOSSFA]] || [[Free Software and Open Source Foundation ]] ||
| [[FOSSFA]] || [[Free Software and Open Source Foundation ]] ||
Line 116: Line 147:  
| [[FSE]] || [[Full Time Staff Equivalent ]] ||
| [[FSE]] || [[Full Time Staff Equivalent ]] ||
| [[FTTC]] || [[Fibre To The Curb ]] ||
| [[FTTH]] || [[Fibre To The Home ]] ||
| [[FTTP]] || [[Fibre To The Premises ]] ||
| [[FTTN]] || [[Fibre To The Node ]] ||
| [[GAC]] || [[Governmental Advisory Committee]] || Comité Asesor Gubernamental
| [[GAC]] || [[Governmental Advisory Committee]] || Comité Asesor Gubernamental
Line 122: Line 161:  
| [[GDD]] || [[Global Domains Division]] ||  
| [[GDD]] || [[Global Domains Division]] ||  
| [[GDDIS]] || [[Global Domains Division Industry Summit]] ||
| [[GDPR]] || [[General Data Protection Regulation]] ||  
| [[GDPR]] || [[General Data Protection Regulation]] ||  
Line 138: Line 179:  
| [[IANA]] || [[Internet Assigned Numbers Authority]] || Autoridad de Números Asignados en Internet
| [[IANA]] || [[Internet Assigned Numbers Authority]] || Autoridad de Números Asignados en Internet
| [[ICA]] || Internet Commerce Association ||
| [[ICANN]] || Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers || Corporación para la Asignación de Nombres y Números en Internet
| [[ICANN]] || Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers || Corporación para la Asignación de Nombres y Números en Internet
Line 148: Line 191:  
| [[IDRC]] || [[International Development Research Center]] ||   
| [[IDRC]] || [[International Development Research Center]] ||   
| [[IESA]] || [[India Electronics & Semiconductor Association ]] ||
| [[IESG]] || [[Internet Engineering Steering Group]] ||
| [[IETF]] || [[Internet Engineering Task Force]] || Grupo de Trabajo en Ingeniería de Internet
| [[IETF]] || [[Internet Engineering Task Force]] || Grupo de Trabajo en Ingeniería de Internet
Line 166: Line 213:  
| [[inSIG]] || [[India School of Internet Governance]] ||
| [[inSIG]] || [[India School of Internet Governance]] ||
| [[INTA]] || [[International Trademark Association ]] ||
| [[IOO]] || [[ICANN'S Office of Ombudsman ]] ||
| [[IOO]] || [[ICANN'S Office of Ombudsman ]] ||
Line 174: Line 223:  
| [[IPN]] || [[Interplanetary Internet]] || computer network in space, consisting of a set of network nodes that can communicate with each other
| [[IPN]] || [[Interplanetary Internet]] || computer network in space, consisting of a set of network nodes that can communicate with each other
| [[IPT]] || [[Implementation Project Team]] ||
| [[IPv4]] || Internet Protocol Version 4 ||
| [[IPv4]] || Internet Protocol Version 4 ||
Line 182: Line 233:  
| [[IRR]] || Internet Routing Registry ||
| [[IRR]] || Internet Routing Registry ||
| [[IRTP]] || Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy||
| [[ISOC]] || The Internet Society || Sociedad de Internet  
| [[ISOC]] || The Internet Society || Sociedad de Internet  
Line 188: Line 241:  
| [[ISPCPP]] || Internet Service Provider And Connectivity Providers Constituency ||
| [[ISPCPP]] || Internet Service Provider And Connectivity Providers Constituency ||
| [[ITU]] || International Telecommunications Union ||
| [[IVLP]] || International Visitors Leadership program ||
| [[IVLP]] || International Visitors Leadership program ||
| [[JCF]] || [[Joint European Submicron Silicon Initiative Common Framework ]] ||
| [[JNC]] || [[Just Net Coalition]] || Coalición Just Net
| [[JNC]] || [[Just Net Coalition]] || Coalición Just Net
Line 200: Line 257:  
| [[LACRALO]] || Latin American And Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization ||
| [[LACRALO]] || Latin American And Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization ||
| [[LORA]] || Long Range||
| [[LORAWAN]] || Long Range Wide Area Network ||
| [[LPWAN]] || Low Power Wide Area Network ||
| [[MEAC-SIG]] || Middle East and Adjoining Countries School on Internet Governance ||
| [[MEAC-SIG]] || Middle East and Adjoining Countries School on Internet Governance ||
| [[MESWG]] || Middle East Strategy Working Group ||
| [[MESWG]] || Middle East Strategy Working Group ||
| [[MPC]] || Meeting program Committee ||
| [[MSAG]] || Multi Stake Holder Advisory Group ||
| [[MSAG]] || Multi Stake Holder Advisory Group ||
Line 233: Line 298:  
| [[OSC]] || [[Operations Steering Committee ]] ||
| [[OSC]] || [[Operations Steering Committee ]] ||
| [[PCRT]] || [[Public-Comment Review Tool]]
| [[PDDRP]] || [[Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure]]
| [[PDP]] || [[Policy Development Process]] || Proceso de Desarrollo de PolIticas ||
| [[PDP]] || [[Policy Development Process]] || Proceso de Desarrollo de PolIticas ||
Line 254: Line 323:  
| [[RNIDS]] || [[Serbian National Internet Domain Registry ]] ||
| [[RNIDS]] || [[Serbian National Internet Domain Registry ]] ||
| [[RRI]] || [[Registration Reporting Interface]] ||
| [[RrSG]] || [[Registrar Stakeholder Group]] ||
| [[RrSG]] || [[Registrar Stakeholder Group]] ||
Line 270: Line 341:  
| [[SCWG]] || [[Separation Cross-Community Working Group]] ||
| [[SCWG]] || [[Separation Cross-Community Working Group]] ||
| [[SCOPE]] || [[Strategic Community Operations, Planning and Engagement]] ||
| [[SDMX]] || [[Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange]] ||
| [[SEEDIG]] || [[ South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance]] ||
| [[SEEDIG]] || [[ South Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance]] ||
Line 284: Line 359:  
| [[TCI]] || [[Technical Centre of Internet]] || Russian registries
| [[TCI]] || [[Technical Centre of Internet]] || Russian registries
| [[TCoE]] || [[Telecom Centres of Excellence]] ||
| [[TDRP]] || [[Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy]] ||
| [[TEAC]] || [[Transfer Emergency Action Contact]] ||
| [[TF-AIDN]] || [[Task Force on Arabic Script Internationalized Domain Names]] ||
| [[TF-AIDN]] || [[Task Force on Arabic Script Internationalized Domain Names]] ||
Line 296: Line 377:  
| [[T&M]] || [[Travel and Meetings]] ||
| [[T&M]] || [[Travel and Meetings]] ||
| [[TSDSI]] || [[Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India]] ||
| [[TTIGF]] || [[Trinidad and Tobago Internet Governance Forum]]  
| [[TTIGF]] || [[Trinidad and Tobago Internet Governance Forum]]  
Line 305: Line 388:  
| [[UDRP]] || [[Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy]] || Política Uniforme de Resolución de Disputas
| [[UDRP]] || [[Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy]] || Política Uniforme de Resolución de Disputas
| [[URS]] || [[Uniform Rapid Suspension]] ||
| [[URS]] || [[Uniform Rapid Suspension System]] ||
| [[USSEC]] || [[U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission]] ||
| [[W3C]] || [[World Wide Web Consortium]] || World Wide Web Consortium
| [[W3C]] || [[World Wide Web Consortium]] || World Wide Web Consortium
Line 315: Line 400:  
| [[WSIS]] || [[World Summit on the Information Society]] ||
| [[WSIS]] || [[World Summit on the Information Society]] ||
[[Category:Loose initiatives]]