
Joined 17 November 2016
Creating user page for new user.
Bram Fudzulani is a cyber-security evangelist, technologist and advocate for internet governance and net neutrality; he is also a fellow of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), AFRINIC which is the Regional Registry for Internet Number Resources serving the African Internet Community and also a fellow for the Internet Society Africa Peering forum (ISOC). He is also a member of the National ICT working group as well as the Internet Governance Forum local chapter. I am a member of the Malawi Cybersecurity Strategy Document formulation technical working group a project aimed at helping the country come up with its cybersecurity strategy document to complement the existing electronic transaction policy.
I was key to the establishment of the local IGF chapter in Malawi in coordination with the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD, e-Africa). In 2014 I was in the organizing committee within the SADC secretariat for the Southern Africa IGF meeting preparation which took place in Malawi. Publicity secretary for the ICT Association of Malawi which is a professional body of the ICT practitioners in Malawi whose objective is that of developing and promoting the integrity and competence of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) profession in Malawi; and to lobby for the creation of a conducive policy and legal framework for promotion of activities and various issues on ICT in Malawi.