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I'm loving your initiative on this project! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
I'm loving your initiative on this project! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Also, just changed the template to read "total registrants" as opposed to "total attendees" (as many people don't register! there were something like 1,500 attendees in Singapore and only 900 registered!)
==Writer Update Re: Refs==
Hola, I hope all is well. I would like to notify you that from this point forward we would like you to cite references slightly differently. The only thing we would like you to change is how you name the reference. Before, we would just name it after the URL so <nowiki> </nowiki> would be labelled as "". Now, we would like you to label the reference after the actual title of the article or page and not the URL. So that same reference would instead read "ICANN Singapore Meeting"... Does this make sense? Please continue to reference all material, but when naming the source within the <nowiki> <ref> brackets </nowiki> make sure to name the reference after its actual content as opposed to its URL location.
No need to fix old articles. But from now on please follow this rule. Please let me know if this is unclear. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
==ICANN Meetings==
So developments is very similar to historical significance. Developments for a normal meeting could generally deal with important appointments, new studies released, new task forces created, etc. The header "developments" could be changed into whatever best defines the category, so if it's all new appointments, feel free to call it "new appointments". Historical significance will not be a huge category for every meeting, but sometimes it will be quite large. For example, at ICANN 41 new gTLDs were finally approved by the board - this has been THE topic at ICANN for years, so this is HUGE. This will need to be covered in your article. This is a really interesting topic, and there's a lot of info about it - so it may be both fun and frustrating to research!
Also, I'm unsure if the session/networking events need to be so detailed... I can see the argument either way so I'm going to talk to Ray and Cat about it and get back to you. For now, if you move onto another meeting, feel free to just get the more basic stuff in place before following up on the entire agenda. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
We've taken time to discuss your ICANN 41 article. First, thank you for being so exhaustive your first time around, it's great that we had such a substantial example from you that we could work with. If you look at the [[ICANN 41]] article now you'll notice we removed a few things. The Networking Events section is largely unnecessary, as most meetings follow the same schedule.. but again, thanks because now I've realized I should add those details to the more general ICANN Meeting article. We combined Historical Significance and Developments as there was largely a lot of overlap, but please use H3 headings (smaller) to sub-divide this section. You could subdivide it a number of ways, with each major historical development given its own subsection and then an "Other Developments" subsection for more routine changes, such as people joining or leaving certain appointments. As I've mentioned before, there are a few historical developments you've missed thus far for ICANN 41, so please add those as subsections whenever you see fit.
Let me know if you'd like me to take a look at anything else/have any questions or concerns. As always, we appreciate your hard work A LOT! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
please do not use [] as a source. It is a satirical, joke site that does parodies of domain news. The news itself is fake. Thanks, [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
==For Future Reference==
FYI- We are no longer being as specific regarding the distinction in ICANN's many parts.. that is, we are no longer using "constituencies" "organizations" "working groups" as categories pertaining to ICANN. Instead, if it is an embedded part of ICANN's structure we are marking it as "ICANN Body".. Thanks for switching to the new system whenever you come across an applicable page. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
:: We forgot to mention this earlier, but when you tag something as "ICANN Bodies," please go to the category page [[:Category:ICANN_Bodies|here]] and also add it to the top structure outline (in alphabetical order). Thanks! [[User:Caterina|Caterina]]
Hi, how are things?  It seems you must be quite busy, are you in school again? I'm wondering if you would be interesting in providing meeting support for ICANN Dakar, as you did for ICANN Singapore? The meeting is from Oct 23 - 28th. We would most likely need your work starting the 24th and going forward, the first day is usually slow. It seems your likely 5 hours ahead of Senegal time, though we wouldn't expect immediate turn around on the work. Let me know what your thoughts on this are! [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Fair enough. Why will you be leaving? Has the work become too much? [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Okay. I'll let the rest of my team know. Please continue to do the work whenever you can, no rush no stress, but we don't want you forgetting about us! I'll update you with more Dakar info soon. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
==Senegal Project==
Beginning to add a list. This conference has been very slow for us, so there may not be much, please do your best to research. Many of the people may have no info though, as they are local from Senegal and may not have made a global impact yet. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
I have been marking those articles that need further research & writing. Please return to these whenever is convenient for you. It is important to me that we get that extra information in there as most of the articles you are creating are practically blank, which is not your fault but it means we'd like to use your writing power to the fullest extent possible. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Unfortunately I must be going through these now to get started on all of our post-conference work. We had told these individuals that they would have completed pages and an email from us in a week or two. I want to make sure we accomplish that. I will try my best not to step on your toes, but I will be adding to the basic articles, the articles that need extra research can be skipped for now, which fits with your system. I am focusing on the very small articles right now, so hopefully that is not a problem. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
It's 42, I have just been making that consistent mistake. Thanks for noticing and helping out. The caricatures are not all on a page it should be JohnDoeCaricature.jpg -lowercase jpg, but still there is a whole day's worth of caricatures that are on my computer but have not been uploaded to the site. Those on the site are not collected on any one page. Do your best with this, but I may have to fix the issues there. Thanks again. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
You'll notice I rearranged your page, I did this to better track your work. I hope it doesn't confuse your system too much. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
Did some more rearranging to better show what work you have remaining. What is your plan with the lengthy articles? It would be nice to have your help on these, though I remember last time I ended up doing most of them. First, it is important you finish creating pages for the red links. Thanks [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
==Lengthy Articles==
Finishing this Dakar related work is a real priority for us. I appreciate your quick work on the rest of the job, I hope you can find time to finish the lengthy articles soon. Hope all is well. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
That's fine to leave those two articles. I am coordinating now to get you paid before the vWorker payment period that happens tomorrow, though it would be appreciated if you could check back to make sure there are no big issues to fix in the editing process. Also, what is your plan for the list of ICANN meetings, I know that you had gotten busy but that you also still expressed some interest in doing this.. Is it realistic that you will be working on it? If not, we may have to transfer this job to someone else. Let me know. [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
I just paid you a bonus that is meant to cover BOTH your work on Senegal pages AND your ICANN Meetings. It basically breaks down to $2 an article, which seems fair given that the majority of Senegal articles were VERY short stubs, and that few ICANN meetings articles are entirely finished.
Thanks so much for your continued hard work. I'm sorry to see you go. Please let me know if you ever have time to work again. I wish you the best of luck n your studies and life,
===ICANN 43===
The proper format should be JohnDoePortrait.JPG
Good question! Thanks, [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]
---What is your status, are you going to finish those articles that are still red? We are just getting back to our ICANNWiki work but will not have much time to edit over the next two weeks, just to warn you. Please let me know how you view your work so I can decide what the next step is. Thanks [[User:Andrew|Andrew]]

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