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== What I want to see ICANN do ==
== What I want to see ICANN do ==
Because of the nature of the Internet a new global community is forming, has formed, and is inevitable. Just as the invention of the automobile lead to paved highways and traffic laws this new global community will continue to grow and dominate the social paradigm. As the Internet grows some kind of structure will form.
Because of the nature of the Internet a new global community is forming, has formed, and is inevitable. Just as the invention of the automobile lead to paved highways and traffic laws this new global community will continue to grow and dominate the social paradigm. As the Internet grows some kind of structure will form. That structure will be Internet Governance.
Right now the Internet is like the wild west. Other than ICANN and the IETF there is no Internet authority. What structure exists how developed organically shaped but organizations like ICANN, IETF, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Linux Kernel development, commercial developers, political websites, and individuals with good ideas. But how do we move forward? What kind of future will the Internet have? It raised questions.
* Will the Internet continue to evolve organically with minimal governance as it is now?
* Or - will the Internet turn into an Orwellian Police state where everything you do it watched and if you get out of line a death chip in your brain puts you down.
* What will the role of existing nations become in an Internet dominated society?
* What roles and responsibilities will law enforcement have?
* How will incompatible laws between nations be resolved?
* How can we protect Intellectual Property without overprotecting it?
* What are the rules of war on cyberspace?
* How do we protect the rights and dignity of individuals in the new world community?
=== Define Human Rights ===
=== Define Human Rights ===
