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* Nations will have to determine the limits of war as waged on the Internet.
* Nations will have to determine the limits of war as waged on the Internet.
* Nations will have to learn to treat the citizens of other nations as they would expect other nations to treat their citizens.
* Nations will have to learn to treat the citizens of other nations as they would expect other nations to treat their citizens.
That transition will be similar to what happened in the computer world as different kinds of computers were interfaced to the Internet. Before the Internet there were computers made by Apple, or computer running Windows, Linux, Unix, Netware, etc. These computers all worked fine stand alone. But when they were networked the operating systems needed to be enhanced to talk to the world using standard protocols. Everyone needed a TCP/IP stack just to exchange random data. But soon thereafter the differences and incompatibilities started to surface. Files on one computer weren't compatible. There we different competing protocols with different platforms claiming to be the superior technology and fighting for dominance.
As a result the IETF was formed and without a lot of structure created standard protocols so that computers could, for example, exchange email, regardless o what kind of computer or device you were using. The process of standardization needed to happen and therefore it did.
Similarly nation states can no longer regard people as having two classes, citizens and foreigners. That is because we are all foreigners in most of the world, and would therefore be treated as second class citizens by most of the world under this model. The obvious solution is the acceptance of universal human rights with respect to all nations where nations treat "foreigners" just like they treat their own.
So in this context, if we were to ask the question "Is it right for America's NSA to collect information about the citizens of everyone in the world, one only has to ask, how would we feel if other nations did the same thing to us? If nations can't respect the rights of others, then by what authority does a nation demand that other nations respect their rights?
== What I want to see ICANN do ==
== What I want to see ICANN do ==
