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#REDIRECT [[.club]]
|logo  = Club-logo.png
|status = Active
|manager  = [[.CLUB Domains LLC]]
|country  = International
|registryprovider  =
|date  =
|type  = [[gTLD|Generic]]
|category = [[:Category:Lifestyle New gTLDs|Lifestyle]]
|community  =
|priority = 1046 - [[.CLUB Domains LLC]]<br><s>1356 - [[Donuts]] (Koko Manor, LLC)</s><br><s>1637 - [[Merchant Law Group LLP]]</s>
|keypeople  =
'''.CLUB''' is an active [[gTLD]], applied for in ICANN's [[New gTLD Program|new gTLD program]]. [[.CLUB Domains LLC]] is the [[Registry]] and manager of the TLD. Their proposed application succeeded and was delegated to the [[Root Zone]] on 18 January 2014.<ref name="delegation">[http://domainincite.com/15595-new-gtlds-top-100-as-first-dot-brands-hit-the-root New gTLDs Top 100, DomainIncite] Retrieved 21 Jan 2014</ref>
.CLUB Domains LLC had been public about their application from the beginning, and won their contention set via an [[gTLD Auctions|auction]] performed by [[Innovative Auctions]] for an undisclosed amount. .CLUB was one of the first six TLD contention sets to be resolved via [[gTLD Auctions|private auctions]]. The six auctions brought in $9mm.<ref>[http://domainincite.com/13323-six-private-new-gtld-auctions-raise-9m Six Private New gTLD Auctions Raise 9m, DomainIncite]Published 7 June 2013, Retrieved 10 June</ref>
.CLUB Domains LLC filed the application on the first possible day, January, 12, 2012.<ref>[http://dotclub.com/blog.htm Blog, DotClub.com]</ref> Former applicants include [[Merchant Law Group LLP]], a Canadian law-firm that applied for eight new gTLDs; and [[Donuts]] (Koko Manor, LLC), a start-up company co-founded by domain industry veterans that applied for 307 domain names strings, each via a different LLC.
==Application Details==
===.CLUB Domains LLC===
The .CLUB domain appears to be a unrestricted [[gTLD]] intended for use by the many professional and amateur clubs found around the world. .CLUB Domains LLC had publicly stated that they secured funding for their application and the auction that ensued, and also that they had no intention of negotiating with any other company applying for .club but intended to win the auction. Apparently, they had been approached by other .club applicants and had decided the best way to secure the domain was in open auction.<ref>[http://domainincite.com/tucows-co-founder-takes-hard-line-on-club-gtld/ Tucows coFounder Takes hard Line on Club gTLD]</ref> The company used the [[Digital Archery|digital archery]] solutions of its business affiliate, the [[Digital Archery Experts]] to ensure its inclusion in the first batch of applications to be initially evaluated by ICANN. <ref>[http://dotclub.com/blog.htm .CLUB Blog-Why is .CLUB going to be in the first batch? — A response from DigitalArcheryExperts.com]</ref>
In May 2013, ahead of the private auction for the string, .CLUB Domains LLC filed with the United States' SEC as it was seeking to raise up to $7 million USD for the auction. <ref>[http://domainnamewire.com/2013/05/29/club-applicant-seeks-to-raise-up-to-7-million/ Club Applicant Seeks to Raise up to 7 million, DomainNameWire.com] Retrieved 29 May 2013</ref>
Watch the .CLUB Domains LLC team as they realize they won the .CLUB TLD via private auction:
===Name Collision===
Many applications for new gTLDs have raised security concerns because the applied-for strings are already in wide use on internal networks in certain areas of the world.<ref>[http://domainincite.com/13994-new-gtlds-are-the-new-y2k-corp-and-home-are-doomed-and-everything-else-is-delayed New gTLDs are the New Y2K, Domain Incite] Retrieved 12 Sept 2013</ref> This would create a name collision if the new gTLD were to be delegated and could cause serious security concerns for some strings. The remaining application for .CLUB has been deemed an "uncalculated risk" by [[ICANN]] because of name collision with existing internal networks, which means the application will face delays until the issues are resolved. However, in a letter that .CLUB Domains LLC CTO [[Dirk Bhagat]] sent to [[ICANN]] on September 16, 2013, .CLUB Domains has proposed a solution to the name collision issue. The company hired the same firm that ICANN hired [[Interisle Consulting]] to report on the proposed .CLUB gTLD, and are proposing to reserve the top 50 name collisions of .CLUB, which is available knowledge now due to Interisle's report. The top 50 name collisions would be blocked from registration, and according to .CLUB Domains LLC would create a number of queries to the gTLD that it would be deemed by [[ICANN]] as "low risk."<ref>[http://domainincite.com/14501-club-offers-solution-to-name-collision-risks .club Offers Solution to Name Collision Risks] Retrieved 16 Sept 2013</ref>
===Contract Signed===
On 08 November 2013, [[.CLUB Domains LLC]] received a [[Registry Agreement]] signed by [[ICANN]] for .club after passing all the required processes needed to become a [[Registry Operator]] for the string.<ref>[http://www.icann.org/en/about/agreements/registries Registry Agreements, ICANN.org] Retrieved 11 Nov 2013</ref>
==Delegation and Availability==
.CLUB was delegated to the [[Root Zone]] of the [[DNS]] on January 18, 2014, completing the successful application for the string.<ref name="delegation"></ref>
.CLUB Domains LLC has used extensive advertising campaigns to raise awareness about .CLUB within the general public. In May 2014 it was announced that American rapper Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson would launch a new website from a .CLUB domain at 50inda.CLUB, at a public concert and event on 22 May 2014<ref>[http://domainincite.com/16635-best-anchor-tenant-ever-50-cent-to-use-a-club Best Anchor Tenant Ever? 50 Cent to use a .Club, DomainIncite] Retrieved 14 May 2014</ref>
=Chinese version of this page/本页中文版=
'''.CLUB''' 是通过ICANN的[[New gTLD Program|新通用顶级域项目]]申请的一个活跃的[[gTLD|通用顶级域]]。 [[.CLUB Domains LLC|.CLUB域名有限公司]]是该顶级域的[[Registry|注册局]]和管理者。他们提交的申请取得了成功并且在2014年1月18日被授权至[[Root Zone|根区域]]中。
[[.CLUB Domains LLC|.CLUB域名有限公司]]从最初就对他们的申请信息保持公开,并且通过Innovative Auctions组织的一次[[gTLD Auctions|拍卖]]以未公开的金额赢得了他们的争用集。.CLUB是首批将通过[[gTLD Auctions|私人拍卖]]解决争用的6个顶级域争用集之一。6次竞拍共筹集了900万美元的资金。
[[.CLUB Domains LLC|.CLUB域名有限公司]]在首个可以提交申请的日期,2012年1月12日,提出了该申请。<ref>[http://dotclub.com/blog.htm Blog, DotClub.com]</ref>前述的申请人包括[[Merchant Law Group LLP]],这家加拿大律师事务所共申请了8个新通用顶级域;和一家由域名行业精英联手创立的初创公司[[Donuts]](Koko Manor, LLC),该公司共申请了307个域名字符串,每个域名都通过不同的有限责任公司申请。
域名.CLUB似乎是一个可以为全世界众多职业和业余俱乐部所用的取之不竭、用之不尽的[[gTLD|通用顶级域]]。.CLUB域名有限公司已经公开申明,他们已经获得了用于支持其申请和随后的竞拍的资金,并且他们根本不打算与其他任何申请.CLUB的公司进行谈判,他们的目标是在竞拍中取胜。显然,已经有其他.club的申请人打算与他们一争高低了,因此,他们认定赢取这个域名的最佳方法是通过公开竞拍。.<ref>[http://domainincite.com/tucows-co-founder-takes-hard-line-on-club-gtld/ Tucows coFounder Takes hard Line on Club gTLD]</ref>该公司通过使用其业务子公司数字[[Digital Archery Experts]]的数字[[Digital Archery]]方案帮助其位列首批接受[[ICANN]]初步评估的申请人之列。<ref>[http://dotclub.com/blog.htm .CLUB Blog-Why is .CLUB going to be in the first batch? — A response from DigitalArcheryExperts.com]</ref>
2013年5月,在该字符串的私人竞拍开始之前,[[.CLUB Domains LLC|.CLUB域名有限公司]]向美国的证券交易委员会提出申请,该公司意欲集资700万美元用以参加竞拍。 <ref>[http://domainnamewire.com/2013/05/29/club-applicant-seeks-to-raise-up-to-7-million/ Club Applicant Seeks to Raise up to 7 million, DomainNameWire.com] Retrieved 29 May 2013</ref>
观看[[.CLUB Domains LLC|.CLUB域名有限公司]]团队在意识到他们通过私人竞拍赢得了顶级域.CLUB时的视频:
许多新通用顶级域的申请都已经引发了安全方面的担忧,因为这些被申请的字符串已经在世界某些领域的内部网络中广泛使用。<ref>[http://domainincite.com/13994-new-gtlds-are-the-new-y2k-corp-and-home-are-doomed-and-everything-else-is-delayed New gTLDs are the New Y2K, Domain Incite] Retrieved 12 Sept 2013</ref>如果相关新通用顶级域得到授权,那么将导致名称冲突的出现,并且将给有些字符串带来严重的安全担忧。由于与现有内部网络存在名称冲突,剩下的.CLUB申请已经被[[ICANN]]视为一种“难以估算的风险”,这意味着该申请将面临延迟,直至问题得以解决。然而,在2013年9月16日由.CLUB域名有限公司的首席技术官[[Dirk Bhagat]]致[[ICANN]]的一封信中,.CLUB域名有限公司提出了一个能够解决名称冲突问题的方案。该公司聘请了[[ICANN]]曾聘请的同一家公司[[Interisle Consulting]]针对提出的.CLUB通用顶级域撰写报告,提议保留.CLUB最有冲突的50个名称,由于Interisle的报告,这50个名称已经可知。最具冲突的50个名称将被禁止注册,并且据[[.CLUB]]域名有限公司所称,这将产生一些在[[ICANN]] 看来属于“低风险”的该通用顶级域的查询。<ref>[http://domainincite.com/14501-club-offers-solution-to-name-collision-risks .club Offers Solution to Name Collision Risks] Retrieved 16 Sept 2013</ref>
2013年11月8日, .CLUB域名有限公司在通过了成为.CLUB这个字符串的注册局运营商所必需的所有流程之后,收到了由[[ICANN]] 签署的一份针对.CLUB 的[[Registry Agreement|注册局协议]]。<ref>[http://www.icann.org/en/about/agreements/registries Registry Agreements, ICANN.org] Retrieved 11 Nov 2013</ref>
.CLUB在2014年1月18日被授权至[[DNS]]的 [[Root Zone|根区域]]中,成功完成了对该字符串的申请。<ref name="delegation"></ref>
.CLUB域名有限公司面向公众实施了大量的营销活动,借此提升.CLUB的关注度。2014年5月,其宣布美国饶舌歌手柯蒂斯"50美分"杰克逊(Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson)将在2014年5月22日的一次音乐会和活动上推出一个包括.CLUB域名的新网站50inda.CLUB。<ref>[http://domainincite.com/16635-best-anchor-tenant-ever-50-cent-to-use-a-club Best Anchor Tenant Ever? 50 Cent to use a .Club, DomainIncite] Retrieved 14 May 2014</ref>
[[Category: TLD]]
[[Category:Lifestyle New gTLDs|club]]
[[Category:TLDs with Registry Agreements|club]]
[[Category:Articles with Chinese]]

Latest revision as of 16:59, 11 August 2016

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