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== Would Gandhi Use Social Media? ==
If Gandhi were alive today, would he use social media? He was never anti-technology, or even anti-changing with the times. Quite the opposite, actually. If Internet technologies and social networks were around, he would certainly have embraced them -- but with a conscious mindfulness of their strengths and weaknesses.
[[ Would Gandhi Use Social Media?]]
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== Food People Power ==
For many years, people living in West Oakland had accepted eating unhealthy food as a way of life. That is, until a small group of people decided to change their community through Mandela MarketPlace, a non-profit that partners with local residents and rural, minority farmers to bring fresh agricultural produce to their local corner stores. Mandela MarketPlace now represents the difference that youth can make by challenging prevailing paradigms - you CAN select what you put in your body.
[[ Food People Power]]
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== Authors Nominate Top Books of All Time ==
In 2002, the Norwegian Book Clubs gathered 100 authors from 54 countries and asked each one to list the 10 best works of fiction of all time. The authors responded and this list was created. The titles are arranged alphabetically by author name, so no one book stands above any other. The following list is the groups selection of the worlds 100 best books.How many have you read?
[[ Authors Nominate Top Books of All Time]]
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== Rats Walking Again After Spinal Cord Injury ==
Scientists in Switzerland have restored full movement to rats paralyzed by spinal cord injuries in a study that spurs hope that the techniques may hold promise for someday treating people with similar injuries.
[[ Rats Walking Again After Spinal Cord Injury]]
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== 9 Steps to Achieving Flow (and Happiness) at Work ==
[Flow means] being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. --Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
[[ 9 Steps to Achieving Flow (and Happiness) at Work]]
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