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ICANN proceeded to conduct Initial Evaluation on all applications concurrently, estimating completion around June/ July 2013. Kurt Pritz has stated that he expects some form of "metering," instead of batching, will still be necessary, as implementing more than 1000 [[TLD]]s into the [[Root Zone|root zone]] in one year could cause instability. Following the close of the batching comment period on August 19th, 2012, ICANN will take six weeks to process all of the comments and come up with an adequate solution. They hope to reconcile the issue by late September/the beginning of October.<ref>[ New gTLDs Webinar, 8 Aug 2012,]</ref><ref>[New gTLD winners could be named June 2013 New gTLD winners could be named June 2013,]</ref>
ICANN proceeded to conduct Initial Evaluation on all applications concurrently, estimating completion around June/ July 2013. Kurt Pritz has stated that he expects some form of "metering," instead of batching, will still be necessary, as implementing more than 1000 [[TLD]]s into the [[Root Zone|root zone]] in one year could cause instability. Following the close of the batching comment period on August 19th, 2012, ICANN will take six weeks to process all of the comments and come up with an adequate solution. They hope to reconcile the issue by late September/the beginning of October.<ref>[ New gTLDs Webinar, 8 Aug 2012,]</ref><ref>[New gTLD winners could be named June 2013 New gTLD winners could be named June 2013,]</ref>
On October 10, 2012, ICANN announced that it had designed a metering program to determine the order in which applicants would proceed towards implementation, and it would be a manual draw.<ref>[ Announcement,]</ref>  A chance-based process such as this had been avoided due to California's lottery laws, which apply to the California-based ICANN. THe organization plans to get a non-profit, "fundraising" exemption permit. Applicants will be forced to purchase a $100 ticket. The number pulled in the draw would determine the order in which applications proceed, first with the release of their Initial Evaluation, and then with their potential contention or formal objections, [[GAC]] or otherwise. Those applicants that pass the Initial Evaluation and have no other outstanding issues can elect to go directly on to signing the general [[Registry Agreement]], or to negotiate a different agreement with [[ICANN]].<ref>[ Announcement 2 10Oct12,]</ref>
This plan is set to be set into action in mid-December, 2012. This seems to speed up the implementation of new gTLDs, to releases beginning in the second quarter of 2013 rather than the last quarter, or beginning of 2014 as forecasted by prior timelines. Initial evaluation results will be released at a rate of about 150 per week starting in March, 2013.  One important point to note is that ICANN decided that it is in the best public interest, and fulfills its international mandate to address [[IDN]] new gTLD applications first; therefore, they will be given the first spots, starting with initial evaluation releases, before then continuing with the lottery system. Contracts and pre-delegation testing will be done at a rate of about 20 per week, which allows for about 1,000 new gTLDs to be introduced in any given year.<ref>[ New gTLD Winners Will be Decided by Lottery After All,]</ref>
ICANN CEO, [[Fadi Chehadé]], explains the system in this video:
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