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== European Commission and ICANN ==
== European Commission and ICANN ==
In June 2002, the EC was supportive of allowing government advisory committee to gain more control over the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) but opposed any kind of direct involvement of the government. <ref>[]</ref> In the year 2009, the European Commission had also welcomed the US government’s decision of not keeping the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number (ICANN) subject to unilateral review by the US Department of Commerce (DOC). <ref>[]</ref> The European Commission was also of the view to set up a public commentary to get different ideas and proposal to gain public inputs about net neutrality.<ref>[]</ref>  
In the year 2009, at the advent of ICANN’s contract ending in September, EC appealed for an international involvement in carrying out the responsibilities of [[ICANN]]. EC explained that the management of internet, which has now become a vital part of global economy and tool for communications, should not be assigned to a single country. ICANN though a private firm is partly controlled by the US Department of Commerce (DOC) and is answerable to the US government.<ref name="link4">[]</ref>
In a paper titled "Internet Governance: Next Steps", the EU proposed that ICANN be handled by private bodies without any government intervention in its day-to-day activities, but be governed according to the principles agreed upon by the public authorities. Also the commission called for international talks on internet governance realizing that the next billion internet users will mainly come from the developing world.<ref name="link4">[]</ref>
On September 30th, 2009 US government declared that ICANN will be governed by international parties. ICANN from then onwards was subject to independent review panels appointed by ICANN's Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) and not solely to the review of US Department of Commerce (DOC). Viviane Reding, EU's Commissioner for Information Society and Media, welcomed the US administration’s decision and said that "the internet users around the world can now anticipate ICANN’s decision as more independent and accountable."<ref>[]</ref>
== References ==
== References ==
