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Universal access refers to the concept that top-level domain names are accessible globally through any internet browser, server, email client, and computer program. [1]

When original domain names were implemented in the Domain Name System of the Internet, such as .com, .edu, .gov, .mil, .org, .net, and .arpa, non-Latin alphabet language communities were limited to easily access the Internet. Domain names at this time were exclusively expressed in languages based on US- ASCII specific script. The demand for universal access became imminent amidst the creating of IDNs.[2]

Timeline to Achieving Universal Access[edit | edit source]

In October 2009, the Internationalized Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Board approved for IDN country-code top-level domain names (ccTLDs). [3]

In June 2011, ICANN announced their new gTLD Program, allowing new gTLDs to be added to the root zone. [4]

In August 2014, Google announced their implementation of IDN email addresses. Languages based on non-Latin characters and symbols (such as Chinese, Cyrillic and Arabic) are able to input their own written language into an email address on Gmail. [5]

Chinese version of this page/本页中文版[edit | edit source]

全球访问性[edit | edit source]


当原始域名,比如 .com.edu.gov.mil.org.net.arpa互联网 域名系统中应用时,非拉丁字母语系群体访问互联网存在困难。这一时期的域名完全由美国信息交换标准代码(US- ASCII)这类特定字符进行表示。随着国际化域名IDN)的出现,人们对全球访问性的需求变得迫切起来。[7]

实现全球访问性的时间表[edit | edit source]


2011年6月, ICANN宣布推出其新通用顶级域项目,允许将新通用顶级域添加到根区域中。[9]

2014年8月,谷歌 宣布其将采用国际化域名电子邮件地址。使用由非拉丁字符和符号组成的语言(比如中文、斯拉夫字母和阿拉伯语)的人们能够将其母语书面语用在Gmail的电子邮件地址中。[10]

Chinese version of this page provided thanks to TLD Registry Ltd.

References[edit | edit source]