
Joined 23 April 2024
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Electronics engineer, Master's degree in Information Technology Management (MGTI) with a specialization in Information Security, a specialization in teaching and a certificate in Internet Governance.

Professor and head of research projects in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Tecnológico Nacional de México, Mérida campus.

Among the main research and projects that I have carried out are: Confidence tests on mcu's. 2023, Digital rights for old people in Mexico.2021, Support for foreign students TECNM Merida and Tizimín campus. 2020, IoT software development in agrobusiness industry 4.0 using microcontroller ESP8266 with carriot plataform. 2018, health care and monitoring device with GPS using microcontroller arduino and plataform movil. 2016, Project Advisor vital signs monitoring device using microntroller arduino.2015

He is also a member and participates in:

ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is a member of LACRALO Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs) and NCUC Non-Commercial Users Constituency. I have been selected as a fellow ICANN75 Kuala Lumpur 2022 and ICANN78 Hamburg 2023 receiving the "Tarek Kamel fellowship recognition" award recognizing the outstanding contributions of fellows in promoting ICANN's capacity building efforts in their respective regions, in 2023 I was in charge of the Mexico hub within the LACNOG initiative - "For a multilingual internet in the LAC region" for the UADay2023 and this year we held the discussion table "Integrating Universal Acceptance in the curricula of Mexico's higher education institutions."as our own initiative integrating the ANUIES National Association of Universities and ANUIES IT through its Commission for Collaboration in the Ecosystem and Internet Development in Higher Education Institutions (CEDIIES), the Technological Institute of Merida (TecNM campus Merida) and the Universidad Modelo.

Internet Society as an instructor in learning platform, in the courses "Internet Governance" and "Introduction to Network Operations" and member of the Mexico chapter, and in the Cybersecurity, Internet Governance and Internet Governance Stakeholders

ANUIES IT Committee (ANUIES-TIC) as technical secretary of the Commission for Collaboration in the Internet Development Ecosystem in Higher Education Institutions (CEDIIES).

IoTCiberSecLAC Group co-founder of the group made up of collaborators from more than 14 countries in the LAC región, focused on engagement, collaboration, diffusion and dissemination of best practices and updates on the Internet of Things and cybersecurity.

She has presented in various national and international forums promoting security and good practices in electronic devices and carried out projects related to the area of networks, technology, internet and IoT development and research related to her academic area and education, being the author and co-author of scientific articles and book chapters as a result of these.

"It is interested in the use and implementation of good practices, standards and cybersecurity in IoT devices, wireless technologies, DNS services and Internet Governance, as well as the implementation of strategies to promote participation and learning in university students, one of them being the link with the various sectors that impact their professional development."