Young-Woo Park

Revision as of 19:42, 7 November 2011 by Andrew (talk | contribs)
Country: South Korea
Email: ywpark[at]

Dr. Young-Woo Park is a Senior Research Fellow at KISA, which is South Korea's Internet and Security Agency.[1] His roles there include participation on the Domain Name Industry Promotion Team, the Internet Industry Promotion Division, and the Internet Development Group. He participates in the ccNSO within ICANN.

He is particularly interested in the UDRP and domain name dispute resolution.[2]

Career History

  • Director, Alternatives of National ID Number TFT, KISA (2006)
  • Director, Policy Research Team, KISA (2000 - 2003)
  • Senior Researcher, KISA (1998 - Present )
  • Legal Advisor of the Legal Advisory Committee, Ministry of Justice (1995 - 1998)[3]


Dr. Park received a Ph.D in Law from Korea University.
