Country: New Zealand
Email: colin [at]


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Colin Jackson is a New Zealander who has been active on the Internet since 1990. His background is a mix of IT strategy, IT security, public policy, e-government and communications.


Colin Jackson is presently a consultant with Westlake Governance. He is also a technology commentator for Radio New Zealand, appearing on the 'Nine to Noon' programme, and explaining and commenting on various technology-related issues. [1]

Career History

Colin was one of the founders of InternetNZ in 1995 and was its inaugural treasurer. InternetNZ works to protect and promote the Internet at different levels in the state of New Zealand.[2]. In 2002 Colin was appointed to the then newly-formed .nz Oversight Committee which oversees the operation of the .nz domain. He was president of InternetNZ from 2005 to 2007.[3]

In his professional life, Colin has served as an IT strategist and policymaker for the New Zealand government and has worked for many bodies around the world as a strategic independent technology consultant. In addition to his work at ICANN Colin is currently involved in reviewing IT security practice and policy for a top 100 university and in implementing a modern interbank payments system for a developing country.


University of Cambridge, BA, MA , Mathematics , 1979 — 1982.[4]
