Dörtyol Proje ve Danışmanlık
Founded: | Turkey |
Email: | info@dortyoldanismanlik.com.tr |
Website: | https://www.dortyoldanismanlik.com.tr |
Blog: | http://dortyolprojevedanismanlik.blogspot.com.tr/ |
Facebook: | Dörtyol Proje ve Danışmanlık |
LinkedIn: | Dörtyol Proje ve Danışmanlık |
Twitter: | @dortyoldanisman |
Dörtyol Proje ve Danışmanlık helps with National International Grant Support Projects and Consultancy Services. Many national and international grant and support projects have been prepared and implemented by providing consultancy services. It is aimed to continue studies with working groups. Membership in Joomla and many other workgroups.
Gazi University, Turkey