TL test

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Revision as of 17:41, 13 September 2021 by JP (talk | contribs)

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EasyTimeline 1.90

Timeline generation failed: 2 errors found
Line 18: from: 2012.583 till: 2012.833 shift:(0,15) text:"[[Akram Atallah|Atallah]]" color:gray(0.8)

- PlotData invalid. Attribute 'color' has unknown color 'gray(0.8)'.

 Specify command 'Color' before this command.

Line 20: from:2016:249 till:2016.417 shift:(0,15) text:"[[Akram Atallah|Atallah]]" color:gray(0.8)

- PlotData invalid. Attribute 'color' has unknown color 'gray(0.8)'.

 Specify command 'Color' before this command.