David Meyer

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He was a voting member at the NomCom in 1998 and 1995 and an IAB Liaison in 2005.[1]

He attends IAB Conferences and Teleconferences.[2]

Mr. Meyer has been working since early 80's and has held several postions including the following

DDirector of Advanced Network Technology Center, (Present). Chair, NANOG Program Committee, (Present).

Co-chair, Session PEERing for Multimedia INTerconnect (speermint) (IETF), (2006-2008). Member, Internet Architecture Board (IAB), (March 2005 - April 2007) IAB Liaison to the IESG, (2005/2007) IAB Liaison to the NOMCOM, (2005/2006) IAB ISOC Technical Communications CommitteeATIS IPv6 Task Force , (Sept 2005 - Present) Technical Advisor, Site Multihoming by IPv6 Intermediation (shim6) Working Group, (2005 - 2006)Member, The President's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee, Next Generation Task Force (NGNTF), (September 2004 - Present) Chair, ITU-T FGNGN WG 7 (Future Packet Bearer Networks), (July 2004 - Jan 2005) Director, Internet Technologies, Cisco Systems (June 2004 - June 2009) Director, Business Development, Cisco Systems (June 2003 - June 2004) Senior Scientist/Chief Technologist, Sprint (May 2001 - June 2003) Responsibilities include identification of future direction and emerging technologies, identification of design and operational issues pertaining to Sprint's infrastructure (domestic and international, IP, voice, and emerging technologies), and identification and evaluation of next generation technologies. Software Engineer, Cisco Systems (May 2000 - May 2001) Charged with designing distributed BGP architecture for next generation product. Technical Lead, Office of the CSO, Cisco Systems (Jan 1999 - June 2000) Charged with corporate direction for various strategic technologies such as IP Multicast, Wireless, and ISP liaison activities. Software Engineer, Cisco Systems (1998-2000) Designed, implemented, debugged and deployed multicast networks. Involved multicast, ISIS, and BGP protocols. Member, IRTF Routing Research Working Group, (Present). Chair, Global Routing Operations Working Group (IETF), (2000-2006). Chair, MBONE Deployment Working Group (IETF), (Present). Chair, Domain Name Server Operations (IETF), (2002-2005). Member, NANOG Program Committee, (1998 - 2005). Member, NANOG Program Committee, (2008 - 2010). Member, Operations and Management Directorate (IETF), (Present). Member, Addressing Directorate (IETF), (Present). Member, Routing Directorate (IETF), (Present). Member, IPv6 Directorate (IETF), (Present). Member, IESG Process and Tools (PROTO) Team , (Dec 2003 - Present).Chair, MSDP Working Group (IETF), (Closed 01.14.2004).Chair, IP Multicast Directorate (IETF), (2000-2001).Co-Chair, Routing Policy System Working Group (IETF), (1998).Chair, Internet2 Multicast Working Group, (1998).Network Architect, State of Oregon, (December, 1993 - 1998).Duties include design, engineering and operation of state-wide high speed ATM network. Projects include inter-domain routing, multicast routing, and class of service issues. Please see http://www.nero.net for additional detail.Architect, Oregon Exchange, (Present).Designed, implemented and operation of regional Internet exchange. Please see http://www.oregon-ix.net for additional details.Network Architect, Lane Education Network (LEN)Duties include design, engineering and operation of regional IP network supporting the k-20 and business communities. Please seehttp://www.antc.uoregon.edu/LEN for additional detail.Network Architect, Office of University Computing, University of Oregon, (September, 1989 - 1998).Duties include management and engineering of campus backbone network, and design, engineering and installation of campus wide area connectivity.Senior Network Engineer, Office of University Computing, University of Oregon, (September, 1989 - 1996).Duties include management and engineering of campus backbone network, engineering and installation on in-building networks, and Unix consulting.Senior Software Engineer, Tektronix, Inc., Beaverton, Oregon (August, 1984 - September 1985).Designed and implemented various network layer software. Projects included TCP/IP and ISO protocol implementations, various device drivers, and language processors.Consultant, TGN Consulting, (January, 1991 - June, 1995).Unix network programming, local, campus, and wide area network consultant.Instructor/Consultant, University of Oregon Continuation Center, (January, 1991 - June, 1995).Taught courses on Internetworking and UNIX network programming. Involved in on-site Unix and inter-networking consulting.Systems Programmer/Administrator, Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Oregon, Eugene (September, 1983 - August, 1984).General systems programming and administration of departmental machines and networks.
