Desara Dushi

Revision as of 23:22, 29 November 2018 by Nertil Berdufi (talk | contribs)
Desara Dushi.jpg
SaraDushi sketch.jpg
Organization: University of Bologna & Uni of Luxemborg
Region: Europe
Country: Albania

Desara Dushi is a Ph.D. Candidate/Research Fellow at the Erasmus Mundus Joint International Doctoral (Ph.D.) Degree in Law, Science and Technology with full fellowship from the European Commission. She has completed her third and last year of doctoral studies at the University of Luxembourg. Having a legal background, with a master degree in criminal law and another one in human rights, her research is focused on the online sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children, particularly on the phenomenon of live-streaming of child sexual abuse, the challenges of law makers and law enforcement, the international legal response to this issue, and national approached in various EU member states. Her research interests comprise cybercrime, cybersecurity, privacy, criminal justice, human rights and international law. She is very interested in the intersection of law and technology and the use of technology for investigative purposes.

She has participated for the first time at the ICANN58 Meeting, as a NextGen member and then at ICANN61 as an ICANN Fellow and ICANN63 as NextGen Ambassador.


Desara Dushi has obtained a Msc degree in Criminal Law in 2013 and a MA in Human Rights and Democracy in 2014.