Type: Private Limited Company
Industry: Domain Registry
Founded: 1998
Headquarters: Jakob-Haringer-Straße 8/V,

5020 Salzburg, Austria

Businesses: Domain Registration,
Maintenance and Security
Employees: 45 employees &
subcontractor University of Vienna
Key People
Richard Wein (CEO) functions as a Central Registrar and administrator for every domain that end with .at. All requests for registration for .at domains are routed through its office and any such domain can only become active if it is first registered at

Note however, that the extension is controlled by the Federal Government, while the extension falls under the auspices of the University of Vienna.[1]


The .at domains have been administered since 1988 through the University of Vienna. However, as the internet spread, the number of registrations vastly increased, making it necessary to have a business oriented company handle these registrations rather than a public authority.

With this in mind, the present company was established in 1998. In the year 2000 a limited liability company was founded.

The domain name council, which governs the organization, is made up of a wide spectrum of interest groups, with the goal of creating policies that are fair to everyone.[2]


The company obviously earns its revenue largely through the sale of .at registrations and offers two avenues of purchase: either through direct registration or through a registrar.

The company insists that a direct contract be agreed to and maintained between and the individual domain owner.[3]

Products and Services

Registration and Administration: The company's primary function is both the registry and subsequent administration of all .at domains.

Maintenance and Security: also ensures maintenance of all these domains, as well as their security. The automatic checks of the domains are supplemented by manual checks as well.

Customer Service: offers customer service, as well as Whois service for .at domains.

News Service: The company also regularly publishes domain related news.

Representation: The company represents the online Austrian community with bodies such as ICANN, CENTR and RIPE. The company also maintains close ties with its parent body, the University of Vienna. [4]

Recent news

The company put through a new gTLD in 2010, as well as updated their website.

The team also worked on the development of contingency plans, as well as a DNSSEC testbed.[5]


External links