Yannis Li

Revision as of 18:42, 26 January 2017 by Jackie Treiber (talk | contribs)
Yannis Li.jpg
Country: Hong Kong
Email: yannis [at] dot.asia
Userboxcards.png Featured in the ICANN 51 - Los Angeles playing card deck

Userboxcards.png Featured in the ICANN 57 - Hyderabad playing card deck

Yannis Li has joined DotAsia since 2011. She is now the Director of Corporate Development at DotAsia. She is responsible for organizational management and developing growth strategies which include seeking partnership for both business and community side of work.

She is engaged in policy and Internet Governance discussions especially on promoting youth engagement and capacity building. She has been participating ICANN meetings since 2011 Singapore and attending United Nations Internet Governance Forum (UNIGF).

In her previous role as Executive Assistant Manager at DotAsia, Yannis was in charge of the Community Development and International Relations. She coordinates various community initiatives on youth and Internet governances, e.g. the flagship youth program of DotAsia, NetMission Ambassador program. She also works as the secretariat of APNG ([1]) and the Asia Pacific regional IGF ([2]) which nurture young generations of ICT leaders and advance the regional Internet governance discussion & development respectively.

Currently, she is also involved in some new gTLD initiatives and responsible on the business development.

Prior to joining DotAsia, Yannis served as the Program Coordinator of Internet Society Hong Kong.[1]


  1. ICANN 41 Interview