Alagie Ceesay

Affiliation: Technical Community/Academia
Country: Gambia
Email: aceesay84 [at]
LinkedIn: LinkedInIcon.png   [Alagie Ceesay Alagie Ceesay]

Alagie Ceesay works for Gambian Government under the Gambia Ports Authority as the Assistant IT Manager and Network Administrator. He is also involved in AFRINIC and AFNOG, and was an ICANN Fellow at ICANN 53 - Buenos Aires. [1]


Alagie is interested in education, Internet Governance security and Telecommunications.

Fun Fact

Mr. Ceesay considers being an ICANN Fellow his proudest moment. He believes the fellowship has him on track towards a dream of becoming an Internet leader in his country.


  1. ICANNWiki Intake, July 2015.