User talk:Muhammad Ali Khalid

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Revision as of 21:59, 8 September 2011 by Andrew (talk | contribs)
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Company Template Changes

Hi writers,We've updated the Company template. Please make note of the changes, and pay attention to the specific formatting. We'd like the appearance of the template to be as standardized as possible. Do not delete empty fields, as they will not show up anyway. I have gone through all of the old company articles and changed them to the new template.

Additionally, if you are writing an article about an organization (sometimes these are categorized as "glossary" or "company" to begin with), please use the company template when the organization has a logo. If it does not have a logo, you do not need to use the template.

Thanks, Caterina

Same articles

Just noticed that we have created same articles Atish mandal and Atish Mandal. What should I do now?

OK :-)

Sure. So which alphabets do you want to work on?

By the way that 'm' created the problem in atish mandal, I don't think articles can be created with same name otherwise. So there should not be any problem again. What do you say?

Would there be any problem if I work with M and N? We won't have any clash for some time at least. :-)

So won't I :-)


That seems like it might work, but can you continue to use the batch numbers so we don't lose track of that?

oh, okay. I had converted it to that format as I had already edited those and it was confusing me that they were no longer marked as such. please differentiate between the edited/unedited part of the batch, or only move up edited articles into batch 9. Andrew

As you may have noticed I brought the total articles in batch 9 up to 50 and collapsed it to make the page more manageable. Those have all been edited.

Quick Reminder

When you're filling out the People Template, please remember to replace @ signs in email addresses with [at]. Thanks. Caterina

Another thing: I've noticed you've accidentally put the portrait in the caricature field and the caricature in the portrait field sometimes. Please be a little more careful with that. Caterina

no need

that lady was not important, good eye, going to delete her. Andrew


That's it.... all of the remaining articles on .org are not important!?! So, in your opinion we are done transferring people articles from .org?

Okay, ya I was looking at the .org site and it looks pretty cleaned out. Where do you stand on your work? you have batch 11 which needs to be filled out with complete articles from the being checked section to be around 50 (looks like possibly 51). Then you have 17 or so stubs that have to be checked, and then you've added the templates to all of Sabrina's articles?

Cool. Well, bring over Dakota King's pictures as she is Ray's daughter and I'm sure he'd like to not lose those photos. Then, if you say the people are done, then they're done - I know you've put a lot of work into doing the .org switch and you have a good eye for these things.

As far as work to do now. An immediate project would be fixing ALL of Sabrina's articles. They all have terrible copy and paste issues and do not follow NPOV AT ALL. That is, she compliments the people and makes very strong claims about their background and abilities. I know you know how our articles should look and read - so if you think you're up to the task of fixing those articles, then we'd love you to. I will finish your non-stub edits and get you paid for that last full batch shortly and discuss compensation of the stubs and the proposed Sabrina project with Ray. Let me know how this sounds. Andrew

Sabrina's Fixes

Ya, they are a real mess. I hope you can do all of the things you mentioned. Delete the fluff, the stuff she is making up. Rephrase the important things that were copied and pasted (most of it prob. is, I think it should be obvious what is copy and pasted, and you can always run in through a search engine) And then you'll also need to find references.

I know this is a lot of work, and I would say probably harder than writing an article from scratch as you do not know where all this stuff is coming from (Her own imagination or some hidden place of the internet!), Rest assured we'll be fair to you. And honestly it may mean deleting most of her work and doing your own, I trust you to find a system that works for you- and you know what our end goal is, an article that is referenced and represents all the applicable information on the Internet about the person.

No rush on this project. After this project we'll be coming up with other things. Cheers, -A


Didn't get your note until today, the first, I hope the bonus arrives. that is for two full batches, one full batch of people articles, one "full" batch of stubs. Andrew

how is it?

I was wondering how you are doing.. It has been awhile since I've heard from you. hope all is well. Andrew

Sabrina Batch

That mentioned 43 people because on User:Sabrinaw's user page she has 43 articles listed. We can always see how many end up being deleted/stubs/etc. But as of now it seems like more or less a standard batch. Thanks for staying aware. Andrew

As always, thanks for your participation on the site. It's great to see you back. Andrew

Special Project?

I was wondering if you would be available to help us with a special project during the Singapore Conference. It would involve creating templates and doing the basic research for anyone that comes to our booth to sign up, we would then later add in the info that we received in the booth. This is obviously a project that depends on timing, so you would need to be available more or less every day (for at least a few hours) between June 19-24. I've noticed you seem to have been busy lately and haven't had as much time on the site, let me know if you'll be able to give us some of your attention for that time period and I'll respond with more details as far as the actual project and payment. Hope all is well! Andrew

Great, it really shouldn't be that much (5-7hrs a day) work. It seems like maybe 2-4, but we could be busier than expected! Anyways, I'm glad you're available - I will meet with Ray and Caterina this weekend and once we have a very clear plan I will update you - expect to hear more Sunday or Monday! Talk to you then, Andrew

More Details

I'm excited that we'll have you as support for our conference work, It's a great way to tie in more of our team in our conference participation. So, what will happen is that throughout our day/by the end of the day we will add the names of the people we interviewed at the booth to a special page. This will be a list of "red" links, you will then go in and do the following:

  1. Import the Under Construction image
  2. Import the People Template, we will provide you with the person's name and country, also fill in the Portrait and Character image fields as if those were already uploaded. So if the page your building is for Jane Doe you would put JaneDoePortrait.jpg and JaneDoeCaricature.jpg (capitalizing each separate word but keeping it all one word) in the respective spots, this way once we have them uploaded we don't have to remove the "Portrait/Caricature coming" file and replace it with the actual files.
  3. Do all possible research and build the actual article. This is your standard research, we will make sure you're searching the right person by providing extra search terms such as their country of origin and their position/company. Build the best article you can.
  4. Mark with your initials when you have completed

This is basically the same process you're used to, though we are asking you to fill in the portrait/caricature image info before they are actually uploaded to the site. We will then pay on our standard model, including counting the shorter articles as stubs. Once you have completed your work we will then add in the information that we have from the interview. We have no idea how many people will be coming through, last conference we added around 200 people. Some days may be busier than others, some days may be very busy (Mon-Wed), so your general availability is very appreciated. I haven't opened a vWorker project as we don't know how much work we will be compensating you for, res assured we'll take care of your payment with the same mutual respect as always.

Does this sound good? Any Questions?

Yes you can certainly have time after the conference to finish anything. We just want to keep up on as much work as possible, so you're being a big help. I think we'll be adding fewer people at the SIngapore conference, and many of them may be stubs. Andrew Andrew

good eye

Thanks for drawing my attention to that! Andrew


The special list on your user page has begun! Thanks! Andrew

Thanks! We're getting a great response for them at the conference.

Ya, I know there will be slight spelling errors and other problems. I'm hoping that the number of errors won't completely ruin the process, and that dealing with them on a one on one basis won't be too time consuming. Any errors that you can fix, please do, I really appreciate it. Will try to fix anything else after the conference. Thanks for your concern! Andrew

Please remember to use the "Under Construction" image, this is extremely important given that we won't be able to add the info we received here at the conference for a few weeks.-A

Also, can you make sure that the file endings for all of the portrait fields end in capitalized, ie. JohnDoePortrait.JPG , (the caricatures should be a lowercased .jpg) thanks. We really appreciate your great attention to detail, you're doing an astounding job. Andrew

Great! Andrew

We're Back!

Hola. Thanks for all your help while we were based in Singapore, it was truly a great job on your part. Can you update me on your status as far as the Singapore project (are you planning on writing the more lengthy articles that you have marked out?) and your other project (of fixing Sabrina's articles). Thanks! Andrew

Really appreciate the help on the Singapore articles, but remember for next time: put the material into your own words! A few instances already are pretty much copying and pasting. Andrew

Done Editing

I will be patrolling your self edits as you do them. I look forward to finally wrapping up this batch, you've done a good job thus far, thanks. Andrew


Great job on the 35 article fixing batch! Thanks. I'm trying to authorize payment now via vWorker but the site is not functioning properly. I will be sure you are paid before the end of the month when funds are released.

Interested in another batch? It would be a 50 item mixed batch of companies/glossary.. We're also hoping you'll be able to provide the same long distance support you did for us in Singapore when we are in Senegal (Oct. 23- 28th) It's a ways off, but just wanted to give you a heads up. .. What do you think?

Always a pleasure, Andrew


Yes, you can. I will move that info to your page now....

...good job keeping up on all the discussion done on site! Andrew


Okay, so the new batch would involve 50 articles, and 41 of those articles would be creating a page for each individual ICANN meeting. See our article on ICANN Meetings:

and now see our example we created to serve as a guide:

The majority of your batch would be creating an article for meetings #2 - 42. The remaining 8 articles (to bring it to an even 50 batch) would be given to you later.

Bear in mind that the example is only an example, and what you will be including in the article will change with the meetings. The latest meetings all have specialized logos that can be used in the template, the early ones can just use the ICANNLogo.png

The template can be found here:

Also, We'll go back to the "bonus" method of payment instead of creating a whole new project, as long as you still prefer this.

good ideas

I'll add a sponsorship section to the meetings page.

The format looks good thus far, let me now when it's completely done and I'll give some more comprehensive feedback. I'm torn on whether or not the reception section is necessary. In general, things like the welcoming reception always happen and they are always sponsored by Neustar... but for now let's keep it. (since music night may not be around forever/ the chairman's reception is a unique happening)

As far as sponsors in the template or in the article, I'd say for now that you should bullet them out in a list (perhaps separated by sponsorship level) within the article. Generally, there are a lot of sponsors so putting them in the template may crowd it up quite a bit.

I'm loving your initiative on this project! Andrew

Also, just changed the template to read "total registrants" as opposed to "total attendees" (as many people don't register! there were something like 1,500 attendees in Singapore and only 900 registered!)

Writer Update Re: Refs

Hola, I hope all is well. I would like to notify you that from this point forward we would like you to cite references slightly differently. The only thing we would like you to change is how you name the reference. Before, we would just name it after the URL so would be labelled as "". Now, we would like you to label the reference after the actual title of the article or page and not the URL. So that same reference would instead read "ICANN Singapore Meeting"... Does this make sense? Please continue to reference all material, but when naming the source within the <ref> brackets make sure to name the reference after its actual content as opposed to its URL location.

No need to fix old articles. But from now on please follow this rule. Please let me know if this is unclear. Andrew

ICANN Meetings

So developments is very similar to historical significance. Developments for a normal meeting could generally deal with important appointments, new studies released, new task forces created, etc. The header "developments" could be changed into whatever best defines the category, so if it's all new appointments, feel free to call it "new appointments". Historical significance will not be a huge category for every meeting, but sometimes it will be quite large. For example, at ICANN 41 new gTLDs were finally approved by the board - this has been THE topic at ICANN for years, so this is HUGE. This will need to be covered in your article. This is a really interesting topic, and there's a lot of info about it - so it may be both fun and frustrating to research!

Also, I'm unsure if the session/networking events need to be so detailed... I can see the argument either way so I'm going to talk to Ray and Cat about it and get back to you. For now, if you move onto another meeting, feel free to just get the more basic stuff in place before following up on the entire agenda. Andrew


We've taken time to discuss your ICANN 41 article. First, thank you for being so exhaustive your first time around, it's great that we had such a substantial example from you that we could work with. If you look at the ICANN 41 article now you'll notice we removed a few things. The Networking Events section is largely unnecessary, as most meetings follow the same schedule.. but again, thanks because now I've realized I should add those details to the more general ICANN Meeting article. We combined Historical Significance and Developments as there was largely a lot of overlap, but please use H3 headings (smaller) to sub-divide this section. You could subdivide it a number of ways, with each major historical development given its own subsection and then an "Other Developments" subsection for more routine changes, such as people joining or leaving certain appointments. As I've mentioned before, there are a few historical developments you've missed thus far for ICANN 41, so please add those as subsections whenever you see fit.

Let me know if you'd like me to take a look at anything else/have any questions or concerns. As always, we appreciate your hard work A LOT! Andrew


please do not use as a source. It is a satirical, joke site that does parodies of domain news. The news itself is fake. Thanks, Andrew

For Future Reference

FYI- We are no longer being as specific regarding the distinction in ICANN's many parts.. that is, we are no longer using "constituencies" "organizations" "working groups" as categories pertaining to ICANN. Instead, if it is an embedded part of ICANN's structure we are marking it as "ICANN Body".. Thanks for switching to the new system whenever you come across an applicable page. Andrew